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When Sam woke up he had the same feeling he would get right before a hunt with Dean. The excitement, the nerves, that lump at the back of his throat. He and Castiel would be leaving for Lawton, Oklahoma to look for a demon today. They had continued looking for demons for five weeks after they came back to the bunker. They'd looked in tiny towns that didn't even make it on the maps, hours away from the bunker, and found a few talkative ones. Apparently, there was a demon who was trying to take Crowley's place, or at least be his #1 guy, and Sam wanted to have a chat with him.

Sam got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw his messy bed head, and dark circles underneath his hazel eyes. He hadn't been sleeping well, nightmares of Dean still haunted him, and kept him from getting more than five hours of sleep a night. 

His neck was clear of hand prints and it felt amazing, his throat was healed a week before his his neck but somehow, even after the bruises had lost their pain, he could still feel them on his neck. Cas suggested that it could be a mental block, seeing the marks would remind him of all the pain they'd caused; but no longer. Sam was free of it. His nose and leg were healed completely also.

He started the shower and while waiting for the water to warm up, brushed his teeth. After undressing himself once he saw steam on the edges of the mirror, he stepped into the hot water and his body clenched up. It was boiling; his skin was already turning a scalding red. He turned the nob to cold and his tired muscles relaxed. Sam wet his hair and started shampooing it, his fingers getting stuck in complicated knots in his long brown hair. 

There was a smooth laugh from outside the bathroom that Sam didn't recognize, he stopped washing and rinsed, he looked out from behind the shower curtain but didn't see anyone. He carried on with his shower but again, he heard a laugh. He turned the shower off, then wrapped a towel around his waist. He looked out into his room but still didn't see anyone.

"Cas?" Sam called out, wondering if maybe Castiel had been walking through the halls past Sam's room. No one responded and Sam went back to the bathroom. But yet again, he heard a laugh, more grisly than before. He turned and Crowley was there, smiling. Still in only a towel that barely covered his lower legs, Sam pulled away.

"How the hell d'you get in here?" Sam yelled, looking around for something to cover himself more fully.

"Dean let me in. He still knows where to go and how to get in." Crowley responded gesturing to the bunker.

That didn't make any sense at all. Both Crowley and Dean were demons, they wouldn't be able to get in to the bunker.

Crowley looked at Sam, then at something in his bedroom that Sam couldn't see. Crowley nodded to whatever it was and Dean swaggered around the corner. Black eyes were shining where emerald ones used to. Dean smiled at Sam and walked straight up to him, he was now face to face with Sam.

Sam was beyond terrified, not only was he in the not-so-demon-proof bunker with the king of Hell, Dean was there too. But Castiel was there, also.

"CAS!!" Sam yelled, and Dean punched him square in the face, Sam coughed. Then Dean hit the side of Sam's face. Sam shook, trying to protect himself, but Dean kept coming. The strength behind Dean's hits were ridiculously strong. Sam slipped and fell to the wet floor. Dean stood there and started kicking Sam's sides, stomach, and legs. The towel that had been covering Sam fell off and the cold air blew on his wet skin, making him shiver. He tried to put it back on but his hands wouldn't move, he could hear Dean laugh. Then felt Dean kick at his unprotected dick and praised God when he missed. Dean kicked again and again, hitting Sam's face and occasionally stomping on Sam's rib cage. Bruises had erupted up and down Sam's body and his face was bleeding profusely. He tried to hit back but he could not move. It was like his naked body was frozen to the floor.

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