What's left of My Sanity

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Black eyes. That's all that stared back at Sam. Empty, soulless black eyes. The thing that used to be an innocent woman was tied to a chair with a towel stuffed in her mouth in an abandoned house far off the side of the road. Blood streaked across her arms and her once designer cloths. He threw another punch at her face and blood transferred from her to his own hand, and already bloody knuckles.

"Sam, I don't think she knows anything. Look at her." Castiel said. He had been watching Sam torment the demon for about three hours, almost losing his lunch halfway through, and Sam didn't show any sign of stopping.

"She knows more than she's said, Cas. She's going to tell me." Cas watched Sam look into the black eyes once more, and smile. Sam was on the verge of hysterics to be honest, but Castiel didn't know how to make him stop. He'd knock him out with his angel powers if he had enough power to do it. The dark circles underneath his eyes and his hollow cheeks made it clear that he didn't have that strength.

"Sam." Castiel said. His small voice must have penetrated Sam's mind because Sam backed away from the woman. He looked up and locked eyes with Cas. Sams regularly kind, hazel eyes met Cas' and Cas saw that they were pained. Sometimes Castiel would forget how hard this was for Sam. He missed Dean, he missed his brother.

That's who Sam was doing all this for after all. Cas remembered a time when he admired the boys love for each other. Their love was blind; questioning at times but there, always, no matter the consequences. Castiel realized how stupid it truly was now, when Sam Winchester was blackening his own soul with the torture of a demon for information on his lost brother.

"Cas,....she knows. She knows where he is." Sam pleaded for Cas to understand with round glossy eyes.

"I know that you need to find Dean, Sam. But this, this isn't helping. Look at her." Sam glanced at the panting woman on the chair, blood covering her skin, soaking into her clothes. "You've been doing this for over three hours. If she knew anything she would have said by now."

"Okay." Sam nodded as best he could, which surprised Cas.

He picked up the Latin engraved knife and shoved it into the demons skull. What was left of her life sparked and fizzled out. Sam muttered "Let's get a new one." and left Castiel alone in the dark room.

Cas leaned back on the wobbly table and let out a sigh. There would be no demons left in the world once Sam was done looking for Dean. Every week was a new demon, and if it didn't have the right information then it wouldn't see the next day, and a new demon would take its place until another demon replaced it.

He got up and left the creaking shack of a house and went searching for Sam. Faint music was coming from the car so Cas followed it. He stopped right before the car and heard a small voice coming from the phones speakers.

'Hey this is Dean's other, other cell. Leave a message.'

Cas looked through the back window to see Sam sitting in the drivers seat holding tight to the steering wheel and to his phone. He didn't leave a message on the phone though, and Castiel thought that was strange. He was about to ask Sam what he was doing when Sam dialed a number in the phone. Again Cas heard Dean's voice.

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