Goodbye Friends

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The sky was a clear blue grey as Sam Winchester drove down the road with Castiel. It was four in the morning and the sun was already giving the sky a soft glow. Cas was asleep in the passengers seat next to Sam. Every once and a while Sam would look and see Cas' steady breaths moving his chest up and down. Having to wake up and two a.m. and pack up the car when you're mostly still asleep is difficult for an angel who's grace is quickly disappearing. Sam had been gracious enough to drive and let Castiel sleep even though he was constantly drifting into other lanes.

In the early hours there was no traffic in the middle of no where that the bunker was laid. Even two hours away from their secret home, the only movement they had seen was one truck, and three cows. After going one more hour and almost driving completely off the road, Sam woke Castiel and asked him to drive for a while. Cas was still a bit of a rocky driver and didn't ever think to move away from craterous potholes. Sams heavy sleep was constantly interrupted by his head slamming against the window he was using as a pillow, and Castiels apologies. By the time they made it to where they were headed Sam had a bright red bump on his forehead.


Sam and Castiel had finished making their plan, they found out that Dean was staying in a cabin in the Colorado mountains. All they had to do was move quickly and quietly. One wrong move and they could both lose their lives. Do to Sams injured shoulder and leg, Cas decided that he would go up first to see if Dean was there, then come back to tell Sam. After they both went up they would put bombs incased with holy water all around the perimeter to trap Dean.

Sam peered out the window at the trees. They were stopped at the side of the3 road in Colorado and Castiel was just getting out of the drivers seat. Sam debated whether or not he should even get out of the car. He was still fuming over the fact that he wouldn't be going up for Dean. Even with how weakened Cas was, he was still better than Sam.

Cas said it would be better if he went up alone, Sam thought, yeah well screw him he's in the same state as me, he continued in his mind. He would have gone on in his little rant if Castiel hadn't tapped on the window, wanting to say goodbye. Sam opened the door and stepped out into the cool mountain hour.

"Okay, I'm just going to check if he's up there, then I'll come back for you. Okay?" Cas asked looking at Sam for encouragement.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, good luck." he said with a mockery of a smile.

"Ok. Alright, I'll see you in a little bit." Cas said more to himself than Sam. Cas started up his arduous climb and thought about Sam. He felt horrible about everything that happened. He shouldn't have gone anywhere near the demons; he should have listened to Sam. Cas got caughtand Sam was beaten and broken until they found a way of escape. Sam insisted that he wasn't angry about his leg and shoulder, but it didn't take a mind reading angel to know he was lying.

It was a long, bumpy, and steep slopes and steep climb up the mountain. He slipped down steep slopes and tripped over tree roots that shot up out of no where. He stopped to take a break several times and hoped he was near his destination. A few minutes later, Cas found it; the cabin.

Cas walked as quietly as he could up to a window, careful not to step on a stick or a pile of crunchy leaves. Leaning against the hard wood of the cabin, Cas looked through the tall window, and saw him. Dean, laying on the couch. He'd grown his hair some. Just a little bit, but enough for anyone to notice and for Cas not to like it. He also had more stubble. Cas thought about just going in and talking to Dean, he looked so peaceful; so human. But something twinged inside of him. A kind of pain.

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