Let's Go

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It was like looking for Gadreel all over again but so much harder. Every morning Sam would wake up at 6:00am on the dot,  eat a small breakfast, and get straight to work. He'd take a lunch break if he remembered, work on his laptop looking for demon activity, and usually crash at the table around 1:30 in the morning. Cas would find him and put him in his bed or try to make him as comfortable as he was able. Castiel, just as motivated to find Dean, worked through the night. He'd try summoning Crowley, who never came, use Sam's laptop looking to see if Dean had popped up on any security camera's, or doing normal things like going grocery shopping for Sam; he would try to help out anywhere he could.

Although, with his fading grace, simple things were becoming slightly more difficult; he chose to not share this with Sam. Cas was starting to be not only tired mentally, but physically. He'd sneak a snack from the pantry to get rid of the moaning coming from his stomach also, hoping that Sam wouldn't notice. He didn't want to worry Sam or distract him. Cas knew how important looking for Dean was and he didn't want to distract Sam from what needed doing. Once they found Dean, Castiel would address his own problem.

This went on for a week from two months. Both Sam and Castiel were exhausted and missed Dean. Cas was getting worse and couldn't hide it anymore, Sam started taking notice of his physical weakness. Now instead of Cas taking care of Sam, Sam tried to help Cas. Sam set aside half a day, everyday looking for something that would help Cas in the Men of Letters library and kept the other half for Dean. Sadly the Men of Letters, with all their books, didn't have very much on angel grace. Other than slitting another angels throat and taking their grace, Sam couldn't find anything; looking for Dean went just as successfully. Sam had called hunters all over the country telling them to look out for Dean and to give Sam a heads up if they saw him, but no one found him. Sam and Cas had taken up FBI badges when they heard about strange killings that could have been demons. But everytime they investigated, it miraculously turned out to be humans doing the killing. The one time Sam wanted it to be monsters and it was humans.

Castiel suggested that they summon a demon at a crossroads for information on Dean again since they were getting no where.

"That would work if they actually came." Sam replied sassily.

Cas gave him a look. "But what if instead of our pictures and credentials, we used other peoples pictures? Wouldn't that work? They wouldn't suspect us."

Sam looked at Cas and thought, it might not be such a bad idea. They'd have to go farther away from the bunker though, Sam was sure Crowley would have put a watch out for all the crossroad deals near there. But it might work, if they planned a good trap.

"Okay, we'd have to go a couple towns away because Crowley is probably watching here, then we could make the whole crossroad a devils trap. We'll bring the chains from the dungeon to move the demon if we have to...." Sam stopped and continued in his head, thinking about how he could better prepare the crossroad.

But he also thought about how he'd interrogate the demon. It might not just roll over and talk about Dean and Sam knew how easily interrogating could turn into torturing. He was surprised at how little this affected his mind. He didn't fear doing what needed to be done to find Dean.

Sam told Cas that they would be leaving the next day and to get some rest beforehand, them left for his own room. Castiel knew that it was a long shot that a demon would even show, but he was glad to have given a helpful suggestion. It seemed that he was less able to do anything helpful in finding Dean. He was weaker now and couldn't stay up through the night like he used to. He found a nice little room down the long hall farther away from Sam's and closer to Dean's; he didn't want Sam to know that he was so weak that he needed to sleep.

Till the day I dieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن