chapter 4;

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the Sun's reasons to shine...

    Every day one part of Hinata died inside and he had to count once again the reasons that make him couldn't give up. 1- His little sister Natsu, the sunshine that always could make him feel better, even if was just a little bit; 2- The fact that he knew if he died, he'd harm the team and he'd burden his teammates, coach, and Takeda-sensei even more that he already does; and finally, 3- The hope that someone would actually care if he died. These three things were always there to prevent him to do something stupid, like cut himself or take a swan dive from the roof of the building.

     Oh yeah, he had one other reason to stay alive, he was in love... He was stupidly in love with Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi, two of his teammates, that were already dating each other. And if it wasn't bad enough, Tsukishima heated him and was always making fun of him, while Yamaguchi tried to stop the other. This wouldn't affect Hinata if it were a few months ago when he just didn't care about the taller male but know when his depression pulls him down, and it's hard to even breathe sometimes, hear "Ara ara, the shrimp can't even do a decent receive" or "You could be hit by a car, and I couldn't care less" from one of the persons that he likes just hurt the middle blocker even more...

     Some days when he didn't have the strength whether to lift from his bad or when he just wanted to be hit by a car on the way to school when he didn't have more faith in the fight, a song appeared in his mind... A melancholy melody that he knew from his heart, every word had a huge meaning for the Sun that sometimes put "everything I wanted" on repeat, so he could cry about his stupid life with a soundtrack. Because he knew, no matter how he wanted to give up, the Sun couldn't stop shining or he'd affect everyone around him... This is his main reason to smile every day, even though the ginger didn't know how to smile anymore.

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