chapter 2;

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the shadow above the Sun...

     Since Hinata was twelve he started to notice a shadow above him. One dark thing that was always accompanying him, was a weird shade that sometimes was in a light gray, and some days so dark that he couldn't even see what was happening around him.

     The shadow was there for so many time and never went away, so the boy got used to it, he didn't know what was the shade, and never talked about it with anyone, 'cuz he didn't want to worry his family and he knew that his friends wouldn't understand, so he just stayed quiet, and without him, noticing, the darkness, like a parasite, became one with him. And gradually started to consume his energy and his life...

     Like a relative that comes to visit but never goes away, the shadow day by day gained more space inside of Shouyou, that was pretty tired to fight over it, all circumstances were in favor of the dark so he just gave up and let it do whatever it wanted. What was actually pretty simple, the shadow wanted to broke him. Broke every little hope, dream, and life that the boy could have, and even though he acts like everything was ok, the dark was doing an amazing job inside of him...

     The shadow, that just years later the ginger boy discovered to be something called depression, made the light of the Sun little by little decrease, leaving behind just an outline that one day was the real boy. The Sun, that one day shine and warm everyone, now was beside a heavy shadow, with no expectation to shining freely again. 

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