chapter 5;

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the loneliness of the Sun...

     Hinata never had a lot of friends, when he was in middle school, he just had Kouji and Izumi and even though they were good friends and support him, the three guys lost contact at the beginning of high school. After that Shouyou got into Karasuno's volleyball club and started to hang out with his teammates, specially Kageyama, the setter, and Hinata were like a freaking duo on the court and even walked home together, but in Shouyou's eyes, the King would never take him as his friend. "Is just because we can't fight and risk being banned from the club again", he always thought.

     He wasn't so close with no one on the team. The ginger felt like a hurdle was always there to separate them, a barrier he couldn't overtake and no one, except him, knew about. He didn't know what to say with the third years; when he was with his senpais (Tanaka and Nishinoya) he had fun, but he felt like a burden, ruining their dynamic; Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita also had their own group; and the boy would rather go to hell than try to talk with his crushes, and probably fail.

     When he was in a crown, for some reason he felt so lonely... So, small? As if they're judging him, for every single action. He had the habit to put a smile on his face and try the best for people like him. He didn't want to be alone, but at the same time, the orange-headed boy didn't feel comfortable acting like that. His mind was so contradictory, playing tricks on him and making the boy fell for them...

     Hinata wanted to ask and make sure that they actually like him, but it was so difficult to have enough courage to complete that task, so he ends up just staying quiet, pretending to be fine with everything. His contagious personality and the fact that he was really good at act may have helped him with that.

     What Shouyou didn't know is that Tsukishima knew something was wrong with the little ginger who was always full of energy, but that now looked like could crash with just a wrong touch... Well, the Moon would always watch the Sun, that doesn't mean he could understand his loneliness, after all, he had the Star... 

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