Chapter 6|Liza

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♥Dedicated to Cocacococo

•They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, I think it makes the heart grow wary•

The smile I had on my face was impossible to wipe off. Everytime I thought of Cole or spoke to him my smile would brighten up instantly. Although I hadn't seen him in a week now since both of us had been busy with our classes, we talked on phone non stop every night.

I sighed. Now I knew how other girls felt like whenever they were in a relationship and honestly, I couldn't judge them for always thinking about their respective others or talking about them.

"Man I'm so jealous right now."

I looked up in surprise. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice Danielle, my other roommate walk into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Please. You have a boyfriend too remember."

She huffed, sitting on the counter before pulling out her phone. "Yeah but he's on the other side of the planet. You're so lucky."

I smiled at her, raising my cup of coffee to my mouth. "By the way, how is Ethan?"

She lit up like a Christmas tree. "We talked all night yesterday. He was telling me about this cool new robot he and his friends designed. He even sent me pictures, it's so cool."

I smiled as she went on. Dani was almost never tired of talking about her boyfriend Ethan. She told me that they had been dating since highschool. Ethan had traveled to Hong Kong to study robotics and engineering so they were currently practicing long distance. I had heard from my sister about other couples who did long distance but it never ended well. Since I was practically living with Dani I had witnessed firsthand how difficult long distance relationship was.

They tried to talk to each other at least three times a week but there were days when one of them was too busy to talk to other. Sometimes they would go a full week without talking to each other.

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, I think it makes the heart grow wary. It was amazing how much trust Ethan and Dani had in each other because that seemed to be the main reason why their relationship was working out. I looked up to them and hoped that one day, Cole and I could have that much trust in each other.

Dani ran her hands through her Auburn bed hair, smiling sadly at her phone most likely at a picture of Ethan. "God I miss him so much."

I was about to say something to comfort her when Lea walked in looking like something a cat barfed out.

"You look terrible. Where were you last night, partying I presume?" Dani asked rather smugly.

"Shut the fuck up Danielle, it's too early to deal with your moralistic bullshit." She plucked my cup of coffee out of my eyes and drank it all.

Dani rolled her eyes, before hopping off the counter. "I'm making avocado toast. Do you guys want some?"

"Yes please." I answered while Lea just grumbled something that sounded like a yes if it came from the mouth of a gorilla.

My phone vibrated and I checked my message, smiling as I read it. It was from Cole obviously and it said that he wanted us to go out later and he would meet me after my classes.

"Well I'm going to shower now. Lea are you going to class today?"

She rose her head from the countertop at the sound of her name. "Yeah, my attendance has been going down lately so I have to."

I nodded at her before heading to the bathroom. An hour later and we were out and on our way to our respective classes.

Dani and I were heading in the same direction. Since our courses were similar, they were held in the same building but different rooms. Lea on the other hand would be taking another turn along the way.

"I hooked up with this really hot guy, he was like really buff and super hot."

"Yeah, what's his name?"

Lea looked up in thought before shaking her head and letting out an awkward laugh. "I don't remember."

Dani rolled her eyes. "Of course." A pregnant silence passed between us but we all knew what was coming. "When are you going to consider getting into a relationship Lea?"

She scoffed in return. "I didn't know I had two mum's now. I've told you many times already Dani, relationships are just not for me, so stop pestering me about it. I'm off. Ciao!"

I watched her walk away before turning to Dani who was practically fuming. We kept on walking in silence before I decided to break it with a question that had been bothering me for a while now.

"Dani, why are you so against Lea's 'lifestyle'?"

She frowned before sighing I'm resignation. "I don't even know. Maybe it's because I'm kinda mad. She doesn't commit to anything let alone anyone, she parties all night and sleeps with different guys every night. I may be a feminist but even I can admit that I'm at my happiest when I'm with the one I love and look at you too, just the mere mention of Cole and you're smiling like you just won an island."

My face heated up in pure embarrassment.

"What I'm trying to say is, I just want her to find someone and settle down and be happy."

"Have you ever thought that maybe Lea is happy the way she is. I mean she did say that relationship aren't for her. She might be right, maybe relationships just aren't her thing."

Dani frowned in thought. I was afraid that she was going to argue with me because I was a hundred percent sure that if this turned into an argument, I would loose and it didn't matter if I was right or not.

"Maybe you're right." She sighed in resignation. "It is her life and she's free to do whatever she pleases. I still do want to see her happy though, genuinely happy."

"Me too."

I wondered if Lea truly was sad inside and she was just using partying as an excuse.


Hey guy's, happy New year ( ◜‿◝ )♡.
Even though this is long overdue, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who read this book and to those who added this to their reading lists, a special thank you to you. I would be leaving a very special message especially for you on your message boards 🙂.

And to my consistent readers, you guys have my heart ❤️😩. Thank you for finding this book interesting enough to keep on reading, I promise that it would all be worth it.

So how are you enjoying this story so far? Tell me what you think of all the characters from the most liked to most disliked. I want to know it all ʘ‿ʘ.

Honestly, the best thing about being a Wattpad author is the feedback. Reading comments, replying to comments, seeing likes... All those little things make me happy (◠ᴥ◕ʋ).

By the way, I post this as I write and don't usually have time to edit it so they might be some mistakes and this is the first draft so expect a lot of holes.

As always, please do click that little star at the corner of your screen if you like this story and also comment, why? Cos it's free 😁. And you can also follow me on my Wattpad so you can get all of my announcement and things like that.

As a new year gift and also because I want to finish this story fast, I would be posting the next chapter on Friday. It's already written, I just want to complete it and proofread it first before posting it.

Once again, Happy New year 🎉🎉🎊.
Love, Naomi.

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