Chapter 2|Cole

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life is full of choices and our futures are shaped by those choices, those decisions that we make•

Two years ago...

Hot air blew, along with it came the smell of cigarettes, beer and sweat. The bonfire crackled sending small sparks of flame, threatening to burn anyone stupid enough to stand close to it. It was a pretty big fire, roaring up in the air and illuminating at least a few metres surrounding it, it could even be spotted from about a mile away like a beacon of light.

However where it thrived in radiance, it lacked in warmth. The only people who enjoyed the fire's warmth were probably only those seated about a metre or two away from it, while the rest of shivered like we had just jumped into a lake on winter, pulling our sweaters tighter against our bodies whenever the wind blew.

The wind blew again, this time with more force as if demanding attention like an annoying toddler. It blew my hair over my eyes, I immediately reached up to push it back into place. At this point I was contemplating shaving my hair bald because it always fell over my eyes with just the slightest breeze.

I had been sitting here for almost an hour now, talking to my friends about literally anything that came to our minds and I was quickly getting bored. I turned to the crowd of people who had decided to show up at the bonfire tonight, scanning the crowd for anything that caught my interest, preferably a girl, one that I hadn't yet slept with because I preferred not to sleep with the same girl twice.

I finally saw a girl, one that looked like she just wanted a fling and wasn't looking for anything serious, one that was just my type.

I turned to Derek pulling him close so I could whisper in his ear. "I'll be back."

"See something you like eh? Just don't come to me crying that you have herpes or else, you're on your own." I threw a middle finger his way before making my way to the girl.

When she saw me coming she donned on a seductive smile, hushing her friend before turning fully to me. I smiled, already knowing that this was going to be a breeze.

I was in the process of flirting with her when I saw Lea in the midst of the crowd.

I frowned because I had specifically told her not to come, but trust Lea to do something just to spite me. I caught sight of the short dress she was wearing, I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

Who wears a dress that short on such a cold night? Was she trying to be a hypothermia magnet or just plain stupid?

I was currently coming up with more creative abuses for Lea when I saw the girl she had her hand swing over and my world froze.

Was it possible for one to go into shock at just a sight of a girl who you've never even met? Probably not, but there was no way to describe the way my heart stopped when I looked at her.

She appeared shorter than Lea by an inch or more. Her hair was gelled back and held in a low curly bun, I had the urge to release it from it's scrunchie prison and run my hand through it. She looked around, probably in excitement, fear or both.

For some reason this short, curly haired, innocent looking girl trapped under Lea's smelly armpit sparked my interest, more than the hourglass figured beauty standing in my front, currently snapping her fingers in front of my face to get my attention. When she failed to, she huffed before walking away. I payed her no mind as I stood watching Lea and her mysterious friend become swarmed by a bunch of people.

Lea pulled away from her as she began to talk animatedly with the group that had surrounded her. The curly haired girl took a step back, standing akwardly at the side as Lea constantly became bombarded with friends, obviously already forgotten about the one she brought with her.

As someone who had been known Lea since birth, I knew how much of an extrovert she was. People naturally gravitated towards her because of her outgoing personality and ever present smile. If I hadn't grown up with her, I too would have been convinced that she was a sweet and charming girl, but I had already witnessed a lot of her tantrums to know that underneath those smiles was a firecracker with an equally fiery temper. In short, you did not want to be on the receiving end of her anger.

I continued to watch this girl as she stood with her arms behind her back, she watched Lea become swarmed with more and more people. There was something about her, something that instantly made me draw to her, made me want to know her, hear her voice see her smile, make her laugh. I had no idea what I was feeling or why I was feeling like this, all I knew was that I didn't want it to stop. I wasn't a believer of love at first sight, but if this wasn't love then I don't know what else to think.

She sighed, turning around probably searching the crowd for a familiar face. Whatever it was she was looking for, it didn't seem like she found it because then she turned her gaze to back to where Lea stood but she had already gone.

I didn't see Lea go but I had a pretty good idea of where she went. The girl appeared frustrated, running her fingers over her hair before turning her gaze back to the ground.

You know, life is full of choices and our futures are shaped by those choices, those decisions that we make.

Initially, I hadn't planned on coming to the bonfire tonight because I wanted to catch up on my school work but Derek has convinced me to come by pointing out a pretty solid point. This was going to be the last bonfire I would attend as a college student since I was set to graduate a couple of months from now and Derek made sure that I wasn't going to miss it. He could be very persuasive.

I couldn't help but ask, what if I had chosen to stay home tonight? Then I would never had been at this bonfire. What if I had chosen to spend the night with that other girl? Then I would never had seen her. What if she had chosen to keep her head down, till I eventually lost interest and looked away? Then we would never had locked eyes and I would never have had the privilege of seeing the most beautiful smile in the world. Somehow, she had captured my heart before I even knew her name.

The choices we made led us up to this point, me standing on her doorstep watching as she slipped inside, but not before waving goodbye one last time with the promise to see each other again.

Hi, I'm naomi. I really hope you are enjoying this book and liking it so far 😌. This is just going to be a quick A/N. This book has a six year time jump, from the present to the past. The first arc of this book takes place in the past, like a Prologue or so. The second arc woupd be a time jump bacl to the present so buckle up for that.

And as a typical Wattpad writer I have to say that please do give these chapters a star if you like them, feel free to comment; I reply to all, and also share with your friends¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯.

I'll catch you guys in the next one.

♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪


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