Chapter 8|Liza

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•My sister was my rock and so much more•

I bit my lip, hands placed at the perfect angle moving slowly and steadily.

Steady. Steadyyyyy...


My hands slipped, running the eyeliner along the side of my face.

"Fuck! What?" I was in a really pissy mood.

"Jeez, calm down."

I let out a breath, closing my eyes and counting to three before placing the eyeliner pencil down and reaching for my make-up wipe.

"Sorry, this is the third time I'm attempting another perfectly winged eyeliner .and failing So I'm kinda pissed."

Lea laughed, I rolled my eyes. "That's why you yelled? You should have just asked me, I'm the master at making a perfectly winged eyeliner. I'll help you after your call." She handed me my phone. "It's someone called Bella."

"Oh, that's my sister." I clicked on the now missed call, placing the phone to my ear.

"Really?" I already told Lea about my sister but she had never met her before, can't deny the fact that she wanted to though.

Bella picked up on the first ring. "Three times Liza, I called you three times."

"Sorry, I was busy."

"Busy doing what?"

I contemplated how much I should tell her. My sister had no idea that I had a boyfriend, I was going to tell her eventually just not yet. "I'm going out."

"Out?" I could hear the gears already turning in her head. Bella was the kind of person who wanted to know everything about her sister's personal life. Although it had never bothered me before since I never had much of a personal life, in fact I found it sweet, but now that I did have one, I wasn't so sure I wanted my big sister poking her nose around it.

"Are you going to a party? Or on a date." She squealed. "It's a date isn't it? Liza?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your business Bella."

"Seriously? I sent you to school and you've been there for barely two months now and you're already keeping secrets from me." She tsked. "Liza you bad girl."

I smiled. "Is there a particular reason you called?"

"Must there be a reason? Am I not allowed to call my baby sister just because I missed her?"

I could hear the teasing in her voice. "First, don't call me baby sister, I'm nineteen and second, yes there's always a reason when you call."

"Ugh, you know me so well it's annoying. Anyways I'm almost done with my final project so I thought, I should come visit."

I nearly dropped my phone. "Visit? Like, come meet me in school? When? Why? I'm no longer a child Isabella you have to stop treating me like one." The real reason I didn't want her to come was because I wasn't ready to introduce Cole to her yet.

"You don't want me to come? Why? Did I do something wrong? Are you ashamed of me?"

"What? No, of course not. How can I be ashamed of you, you're my sister."

I wasn't ashamed of my sister and I could never be. If anyone was to be ashamed it should be her. It was a miracle how Bella never grew annoyed at me over my constant clinging to her when we were in highschool. My sister was my rock and so much more. She was my counselor. She was my mentor. She was my best friend.

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