Chapter 1|Prologue

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The smell of toast and bacon lingered in the air. Everywhere was quiet except from the occasional honking of a passing vehicle and the light humming of the washing machine in the laundry room.

Elizabeth propped her legs on the ottoman, hands nursing a hot cup of tea and her eyes trained on the local twelve o'clock news. She took a sip of her coffee, placing it down before picking up her toast, taking a bite out of it. Her shoulders slumped as a sigh of content escaped her lips.

She couldn't remember the last time she felt like this, relaxed and we'll rested. Normally she would be running up and down the diner where she worked before coming home to cook and clean. She couldn't thank God enough when her boss called and told her not to come to work for the next three days because they were having the entire building renovated.

There couldn't have been a better timing because lately she had been feeling sore in her joints and back and she couldn't afford to take not even a day off because the diner was already running low on employees and the customers seemed to be increasing everyday. So when there was an opportunity to rest for just three days, she would gladly take it.

She picked up the remote to turn the TV off before turning around so her entire body was lying on the couch. She wanted to take a nap for maybe and hour or two before her child came home from school.

Ding dong!

She ignored it, silently praying that whoever was there would go away so she could continue her nap.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

She swore under her breath before begrudgingly swinging her legs off the couch and getting up. Who was that son of a biscuit who had chosen the wrong time to come knocking at her door.

The doorbell rang out again. "I'm coming." She called out, tugging on her baggy shirt trying to get it to at least cover the loose shorts she was wearing.

Her hand rested on the door handle, a nagging feeling settled in a chest. It made her want to turn around, head upstairs and pretend like she hadn't heard anything. She shook her heard, clearing those thoughts. She dismissed it as just being delusional.

With a breath, she swung the door open and what stood on the other side made her freeze in surprise.

His eyes were locked on hers. Her heart clenched as she looked into the familiar blue-green color, the same color she had once loved but now loathed. Her eyes involuntarily ran over him, taking in his slightly ruffled blonde hair, the light shadow that had formed on his chin, the way his muscles bulged in his suit and finally the look on his face, one of remorse and longing.

Her mind couldn't process the fact that he was here. Why was he here two long years after he had dumped her like a used candy wrapper, leaving her broken and alone. How had he found her? What was he going to do now that he had found her?

"Liza." He took a step towards her, his hand reaching out to a face.

No. God no.

She stepped back to avoid him but missed her step and went staggering back into the house before tripping on something on the floor.

"Liza!" She heard her name from his mouth as she went falling to the ground.

His eyes, wide with fear was the last thing she saw before her head hit the ground with a loud thump. Immediately, excruciating pain burst through her head, pulling her down into the darkness. She welcomed it, willing it to take her so she could escape from the present and the man from her past that haunted her.

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