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"Phi, stop the car here.."

Fluke speaks as they reach the business building inside the campus. Ohm did as what Fluke said.

"Thank you, phi."

"Hmm. No kiss, no thanks."

"P'Ohmmmmm....." Fluke whines, almost pouting.

Ohm tries hard to ignore the cute expression the younger just made and focuses on his goal.

"Just good luck kiss for today..hmm?"

"You already got a lot earlier....." Fluke mutters.

Ohm goes quiet, remembering what they did earlier.

The truth is he's starting to have thoughts he doesn't want to have, and he does not like it. He's feeling guilty. Good thing Fluke talked before he could do something.

It was late when he realize Fluke just kissed him on his cheek before immediately gets out of his car.

He grins before starting the car, heading to work.



Fluke looks around and spots Earth, running towards him.

"Hey, slowly."

Earth stops in front of him, and they begin walking slowly together.

Earth giggles as he links his arm with Fluke. "Don't mind me, I need to do this to wake myself up. By the way, what happened last night?"

"Hmm.. landlord forced me to leave the apartment.."

"Oh..." Earth pouts, frowning. "Hey, are you okay? P'Ohm went to store last night and was worried about you"

"Were you the one who gave him my address?"

"Eum. Why?"

"Ai Earth... I was really ashamed because P'Ohm saw me on that state..."

"Oh, sorry. I couldn't come so I thought he could help you... Where did you sleep last night then?"

"At phi's... I think I'm gonna live there from now on too.."

Earth stops walking and looks at his friend with a shocked expression.


"Hey, Earth.... tone down please."

"Did you, you know" he wiggles his brows while smiling, which makes his friend hit him lightly.

"Earth, Phi is not like that... He was just worried." Fluke states as they continue walking.

"But... you know for me it's great that you live in your sugar daddy's house now,"

"He's not my sugar daddy.."

"Then boyfriend?"

"Nooooo.. not either"

"Then what are you, housemates?" Earth raises his left brow, about to judge his friend.

Fluke smiles a little while looking down before he replies. "I don't know... We like each other, that's all. I'm still thinking of ways to ask him to be my boyfriend..."

"Iieeeeee so cheesy! Anyway, what perfume are you using? You don't use perfume."

"I don't wear anything.. this must be phi's."

"Did he rub himself on you?"

Fluke scratches his head out of embarrassment, wanting to retrieve what he just said but he can't. Feeling heat in his face as he remembers their moment earlier.

"Oh hoooohhh. Even sharing one scent now... like claiming you! you guys are confusing me."

Earth says in a teasing tone as they both enter the room.

Fluke sits on his chair, still thinking of his phi.

He's thinking of rearranging his life for him first before he asks to be together.


11 pm, the store door rings, with Ohm entering.



Ohm gets startled, seeing a new face inside the store wearing the same uniform as Fluke.

"Welcome phi." Fluke on the counter greets when he sees his phi walking towards him while his attention is still on the new guy.

"What's wrong?" Fluke asks when Ohm turns to him and gives him his dinner.


"That's Mix... He's new here, I'm training him."

"P'Fluke, where should I put this?" Mix asks, carrying a case of soda.

"Just put it in the staff room. After that come here and I'll teach you how to use this."

Mix smiles before going into the staff room with the case.

Ohm breathes out heavily before sitting on the table across the counter, he's going to stay for a while and make sure Fluke will eat his dinner.

"Phi, go home now.. you said you need to present something at work tomorrow"

"Not until I see you--"

"Phi, sorry I took long, I had to organize the cases"

"It's fine, come here"

Ohm watches Mix quickly goes to the counter and stands next to Fluke. He observes them getting so close and even see Mix laugh whenever he makes mistakes with Fluke tapping his back gently to say it's okay.

Why are they so close? Ohm unconsciously clenches his fist at the sight.

He then leaves the store without the two noticing.


thank u so much hyunq1!!!

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