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"Hey, Ohm. Sir News wants us to come tonight to the recruits' party. Are you going?"

"Ah, I think I have to pass."

"Hey, you've been like this for a month now.. come on! it's the boss's treat!"

Ohm scratches his nape, smiles awkwardly at his co-worker named Kao.

He likes free meals, but he also knows how their boss forces everyone to drink a lot more than they can take, while he gets drunk easily. If he accepts their boss's invitation, he sure will get so drunk, he won't be able to visit him today.

The cute boy in the coffee shop.

He likes a cute guy working in the coffee shop, who also works in a convenience store.

Love at first sight may not be the right term, but it all started when he stopped by at a convenience store because he forgot to buy groceries.

This was the first time he saw this cute little guy at the counter with chubby cheeks, tiny teeth, and doe eyes. Even the small mole in his brow is cute. But something got his attention than these, he looks empty, sad. He wanted to ask but instead, he just thought maybe he had a bad day or something.

However, the next day he had a meeting with a client at a coffee shop near the building, he saw this guy again, with the same expression.

He did not know why, but since that day, he just found himself coming back both the coffee shop and at the convenience store every day to see him, stay there for 2-4 hours to steal glances at him, until he started to feel like his day is not complete without seeing him.

At first, he thought maybe he just wanted to see a new expression on his face, but then, later on, he started to realize, was he attracted?

Now just the thought of the little guy makes him smile.

"Hey, Thitiwat! Are you still here?" Ohm got back to realization as he feels a hit on his arm.


Kao laughs a bit at his friend. "What are you smiling about? Are you not coming?"

Ohm nods as a response.

"Oh, okay."

Kao already left with the others. Ohm checks his watch, 5:30 pm.

He fixes his bag then excitedly walks out of the company building.

Just a few walks away, he arrives at a coffee shop. He takes a deep breath as he pushes the door. The employees greet him and he smiles in response.

"Oh, He's here..." Boun says, nudging his friend Fluke.

Fluke, who is currently wiping a table, glances at the man in a suit before turning to Boun.


"Hey, I like that maybe this is his favorite coffee shop, but doesn't he get tired of drinking the same coffee every day? How also weird that he orders every 30 minutes. I just wish to live life like him." Boun replies, muttering to Fluke.

Fluke then looks at the man at the counter who is ordering at the counter. He's thinking of what just Boun said, and he was right.

He suddenly envies this man's life.

After a day of work, spend time chilling at a coffee shop for hours, drinking stress away, then stay up late in the convenience store at midnight till morning. If only he has a lot of free time like him, then he'd probably spend those time sleeping. Because right now, he's just fucking tired working here and there to support himself.

Suddenly the man looks at him and smiles. All he could do was to bow a bit as a response.

Midnight, Fluke's shift on the convenience store. He works from 11 pm to 5 am. The coffee shop closes at 10:30 pm and he had to clean the place before he goes to his second job.

Ohm is outside, watching Fluke sort things inside the store. Again, today, he takes a few deep breath before entering. After a month, today he finally decided to make a move.

"Uh. Hi.." Ohm greets as he enters the store.

Fluke turns around and stares at him with his large innocent-looking eyes. They stayed in that position for a few seconds before Fluke realized something.

"Oh--" Fluke hurriedly goes to the counter, thinking maybe the man already has to pay, but it took a minute before he comes with two drinks and sandwiches in his hand.

"I'm sorry." Fluke says.

"It-It's fine.." Ohm feeling more nervous now that he heard the younger speaks to him.

"That will be 120 baht.." Fluke casually says while putting the food in plastic, Ohm then let out 120 baht from his wallet and gives it to the other.

Fluke then just stands there, waiting for Ohm to leave with his food when suddenly the older hands him one drink and one sandwich which made him look up at him. His eyes slightly widen,

"That's for you.."

Another awkward silence between them as Fluke trying to process what he just heard. ".....me?"

Ohm smiles at him, grabs one of his hands making him hold the drink. "Yes, for you. Eat."

Fluke just stared at him with a doubtful face while opening the bottle, drinks it. He does not know why he obeyed the older man and why is he letting him stand at the counter.

Nonetheless, he feels thankful because he hasn't eaten anything since lunch yet. He's saving money, no time to eat as well.

"Thank you...." He wants to ask why he's giving him that food but he's just assuming maybe this man just wanted to share.

Fluke takes a bite at the sandwich, eyes still at the older.

"Are you not tired yet?" Ohm takes courage to ask while watching the boy munch his sandwich.

"Tired..but must not. Hm.. you?" Fluke decides to ask back a question.

"No... I'm just worried about you."

The younger stops eating, "Hmm? Why?"

Ohm, takes seconds before answering, "Ah---"

The two are interrupted when the door suddenly rings, meaning someone came. Fluke immediately hides his food under the counter while Ohm walks away.

"Welcome," Fluke greets the person who arrived before looking at Ohm, who's sitting on a chair placed on the other corner of the store. Later on, he sees the man receives a call and leaves the store.

He is weird. Fluke says to himself.

make you smile . ohmflukeWhere stories live. Discover now