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Scarlett and Matteo have known each other since childhood. They watched each other grow into monsters they are today. Been through thick and thin together. They went on each other nerves, with him being cold and controling and her disobeying him at every chance she gets , but when it mattered they  knew they could count on each other, and that was precious in the mafia world they are living.

She never admitted it but he was her only home, only safe place she's ever known. When everyone threw her away like some trash, he was there to pick every piece up. When she cried he was there to wipe every single tear of her face. He accepted her when her own family wouldn't.

And for him she was the only girl. Only girl he could trust his heart with, so he gladly gave it to her. Nobody mattered more than her. Nobody.

So let's get to their journey filled with smiles and tears, fights and make ups, sad amd happy moments.

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