5. the party

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Billie's POV

At around 8 PM everyone started eating and doing their own shit. We made sure there was no alcohol because we have a bunch of non-21-year-olds here.

 When Drew, Isa, and I started talking to each other I started getting this eerie feeling. I started getting anxious. I don't know what was happening but I felt like my stomach was churning.

I was getting an awful feeling which I couldn't explain.  I didn't know if I should tell Isa and Drew or not. I decided it would be better not to burden them with my stupid worries. 

After a good five minutes, I finally told them how I was feeling. They tried to tell me everything was and would be okay and I had nothing to worry about.

  But that wasn't helping. I still felt like something was going to go down. I was scared, I hate to admit. But it was true. 

Later on, at 11 PM we were going to cut the cake. When we showed it to Drew she was really really happy with it. 

Everyone sang happy birthday and all that. Everyone loved it so that's good. At around 12 AM people were dancing. 

Others were talking and laughing. Everything was going fine. Well that's what I thought. Until I thought I might have seen Brandon.

 I knew I was tripping because he doesn't know about this party. I quickly checked my phone to make sure I didn't accidentally text him.

 i didn't I had him blocked. So how did he get here and what is he doing here. 

I started getting worried. If Brandon is here that isn't good, he's going to cause trouble here. Okay I can't let Drew's birthday get ruined.

 I asked Isa to come to the bathroom with me and then I told her that Brandon as here. She kept asking me how sure I was that I actually saw him. 

She asked me how I felt about him being here. I thought it was obvious that I didn't want him to be here. But I clearly understood her wrong. She was really asking what I wanted to do. 

And if I wanted to be seen by him or not and if I was okay being near him.

I decided it would be better if he didn't see me. I realized that he was after me. And I needed to get out of there or get him out of here

Both of them are kind of impossible to do right now. I can't get out of the party when I'm one of the two hosts. And I can't get him out myself, he'll see me.

 I didn't think I should get my bodyguards involved in this situation, it can really mess up the whole party. 

Isa and I went back out. We decided to avoid him for as long as possible. We were slightly dancing in the back. 

But then Isa looked like she saw a ghost. It was concerning, to say the least. She said "Billie I need to get tf outta here"  I didn't get why.

I took her to the bathroom and asked her what happened. She couldn't talk. You could tell, she tried to talk but couldn't get herself to do so. 

She sat down on the floor. She pointed to the door. She seemed traumatized. I hated seeing her like that. I couldn't see her like that. 

Was she hurt? Did she actually see a ghost? What was happening? I was so confused. Was she sick? She started to say something. 

"Aiden" she whispered as her voice was shaking.

 "A- Aiden" she repeated. 

"Aiden is here. How did Aiden get here" Why is he here" 

I was confused, I didn't personally know any Aidens'. I asked her who Aiden was and she said something which confused yet shocked me. She said,

"That's the Brandon that was in my life" Okay so that makes me think, toxic ex-boyfriend. But she never mentioned any toxic relationships. 

"Aiden lives in New York, what is he doing here" her voice was trembling. "He's one the reasons I moved to LA... to avoid him" 

She seemed really scared. I was worried about her. I didn't like seeing her like this. It broke my heart. She really did not deserve its right now. 

Isabel's POV

What was Aiden doing here? Why is he here? Please tell me he did not find me again? How much longer can I keep moving for. At that point, I'd be traveling everywhere. 

This is bizarre. The situation kept getting worse. I didn't know what to do. Do I even stay in LA? I couldn't think. I had thoughts flying all around in my brain. 

I didn't even know if I was safe anymore. It was my only escape from him. I hated this. Why was this happening to me again?

I didn't know what to do. What the foooookkkkkk. I couldn't think. Billie took me outside. We had to sneak out from the back to avoid thee boys. 

It was actually very needed. The outside hair was doing me a fortune. I still didn't know what was going to happen. It was too much for me atm.

The party lasted til 4am. Some people brought in their own drinks like alcohol but they got it taken away by security. But one person managed to bring in some alcohol. They really shouldn't have done that.

It doesn't matter if your 22 or 24 your at a birthday party of someone who can't drink. Real stupid move. But once we found out we got that taken away too. 

We both really needed fresh air at that moment. It made everything seem a little more calm. We went back inside and just head straight to the back to avoid Aiden and Brandon seeing us. 

I asked Billie if it was possible for security to get them out of here. She asked Drew if she was okay with that. Drew was fine with it as far as we're safe. Billie called security and made sure they were out in no time.

Brandon tried fighting with security. He didn't really think he'd fight his way out did her? Istg boys will be boys and there's nothing we can do.

They finally got the fuck out of there. He was in New York. What the heck was he doing in California. Did he come here for him or did he know I was here?

I was terrified. Was there anything I could possibly do? Everyone left the party by 4 am. Billie, Drew, and I left at 5:30 AM.

We cleaned up the place as much as possible so the janitor didn't have much work to do. Billie drove us home. After 10 minutes of driving I started getting a weird feeling. 

The same feeling I got when the boys showed up to our party. I felt like we were being followed and/or stalked possibly. I kinda knew we were in danger.

 I didn't know if I should tell Billie. I ended up telling her but she didn't pay much attention to it. Drew was locked tf out in the back of the car. 

Billie finally put into my words and went a different way. And guess what. They followed us. Just like I thought. Billie was starting to freak out.

miss "nothing scares me" was freaking out. ANYWAYS we decided to just ride around the neighborhood for a bit. We called the cops and told them to come to a certain park. 

After 20 minutes of stalling them, we went to that park. And just in time did the cops come. The cops just told us to leave and took the boys aside. I didn't get what was happening. 

It was around 6:30 AM when we got home. I was tired asff. AND Billie gave us some unexpected news the next day. We were WHAT.

A/N:  thanks for reading this chapter. i lied about posting more :( i got lazy. andddd school started soo that's not happening . anywaysss, wear a damn mask when you leave ut house but try to stay inside. sign them petitions cuz those innocent really need our help. like sign petitiod and save dustin higgs. it only takes 30 seconds. anywaysss i love you guys stay safe. 

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