1. Moving to LA

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**This is taking place in 2019**

Isabel's POV

Okay, I'm in LA. No pressure, I just have to find my apartment. As I was crossing the street, a crowd of people were running past me, pushing me back to the sidewalk.

 I look back to see why they were running. They ran to a car. A matte black Dodge Challenger. What's so special about a car, I thought to myself.

 I decided to walk towards the car. Inside the car was a young woman, she looked like she could be my age. I was 17 years old. 

I assumed she was crazy, looking at the color of her hair. Her roots were neon green. She was definitely crazy. 

She was hot though. I caught myself staring at her... she must've caught me too. Her eyes were also on me for a good 5 seconds before she went back to the crowd of people. 

They were screaming, "OMG Billie I love you so much, BILLIE!, Billie can I get a picture" They were her fans, so she's famous? I thought to myself. 

A tall guy pushed me away and walked up to Billie.

"Billie, are we still up for tonight's date?" 

Before Billie could answer, he said "I'll pick you up at 7."

He noticed me and Billie were occasionally looking at each other.

He comes up to me and warns, "Don't even think about tryna steal my girl"

Billie  gets out of her car and tells me, "I'm sorry about Brandon, he's just a little protective"

Well shit, I just talked to a celebrity that I barely even know. I step away and search her up on Instagram. When I wrote Billie,  her account automatically showed, Billie Eilish.

 That's her full name, Billie Eilish. She was verified on Instagram with 40M followers. "WHAT!?" I thought to myself. I can't believe I didn't know her.

 I searched her up on google and it said she was 17 years old. Yea, she wasn't crazy, she has a whole history of uncommon hair colors. 

I was walking to the apartment my family set up for me. I knocked on the door hoping my roommate would open the door. 

As my new roommate opened the door SURPRISE, it was fucking Brandon. Billie's I think boyfriend Brandon. 

Well, that's amazing, because he slammed the door in my face. So now I'm either homeless or I don't even know what other options I have. 

Billie's POV

I was driving around the city and all these beautiful faces started running up to me. I stopped my baby Dragon and took pictures with those who wanted.

 Seeing these people always brightens up my day. I noticed a girl looking at me from a corner but she wasn't coming my way. I couldn't lie, she was gorgeous. 

But of course, Brandon came. He pushed her, which I hated.  Brandon caught us looking at each other. He yelled at that girl. I had to say something. 

I got out of my car and apologized to her for his actions. She told me her name was Isabel. 

She left, with a puzzled look on her face. She was special. She wasn't like the people who knew me. She was just different. 

Isabel's POV

Having no place to stay I sat on the side of the road deciding what to do. I called Nicole. Nicole was my best friend for 14 years. She could keep me company for a few minutes. 

Falling for Billie EilishHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin