3. Shocker

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Billie's POV


Brandon let go of Isa and looked at me shocked. Drew got a little startled. Isa just looked at me. All eyes were on me and I started getting nervous. 

That's when I had to say it. I was so fed up with Brandon's shit that I just couldn't take it. He thinks he all this and that. But he's not! He can't just barge into my house and not only yell and touch my friends for no reason. 

There was absolutely nothing going on between Isa and me. He was lowkey kinda being childish at this point. I was losing it with him.

 The past year that I've been with him was terrible he treated me so badly. So I had to do it. I've been wanting to do it for so long. I thought about it for months. 

Right now was the time. Drew and Isa would witness it, so there would be no problems later.

"Brandon, we're over."

I shit you not everyone was staring at me with visible confusion. I started getting so nervous. Brandon was looking at me like a lion was about to attack me.

 God he scares the fuck out of me. I knew I had to do it. Alright Billie, deep breaths, breathe just breathe. 

"Brandon, this relationship isn't going to work out. I'm breaking up with you. I don't care if you want that or not, this is it. We're over. Don't talk to me again."

anddd of course he started with his bullshit. I cut him off.

"Really Brandon , did you really thick you could treat me like shit for all these years and I won't say anything. I got with you last year when I was 16 and you? You were 22! You're and adult. 

Out of everyone you should understand that's wrong. Your and adult dating a minor. Have you ever thought about how messed up that was on your end."

Brandon stays quiet but he looks angry. And so I continue

"What? Do you really thin your gonna get away with all the abuse you put me through? All the sleepless nights I spent thinking where I went wrong.

 Thinking what I did to deserve getting hit. All the nights you came home drunk, slapping me for no reason. Making me think I wasn't good enough. FUCK YOU! OUR RELATIONSHIP IS DONE. WE ARE DONE!"

I realized how messy I made things. But he just pissed me off so bad I couldn't keep track of all the shit I said. Welp too late. He deserves this shit.

 I have so much hate for him. This relationship was straight up toxic. I hated it. I'm beyond glad that we're done. I feel drained from all the energy I put into this stupid relationship. 

Isabel's POV

 Oh my god, sooo if I understood all of this, then we know that Brandon is a terrible, terrible, terrible boyfriend. Anddd, Billie just broke up with Billie. 

I don't know if this is good or bad. I don't know I feel about this. She really needed this. I'm kinda shocked that Billie broke up with Brandon. Thinking about my past relationship I understood exactly how she felt and I felt so sorry for her.

But that also meant she wasn't safe. My ex relationship was and still currently is a tragedy. My ex would not leave me alone. EVER.

 After I dumped him, she wouldn't stop following me Everywhere I went, he followed me around for months and months. I ended it wit him last year December of 2018. I'm honestly so glad I did.

After I heard everything Billie said about Brandon, it reminded me of my past relationship. Which meant trouble. 

There's a possibility that Brandon will bother Billie just as much and maybe even more that my ex, Aden, did. Which brings me back to Brandon. 

Brandon looked a little familiar. There is no way I know him, I used to live in New York and Brandon lives in California. I was tripping.

I must have been. Or was I? 

And the one memory I wanted to forget came wooshing back into my head. The night I came out to my family as bi, bisexual. 

My family and my friends were very supportive about it. But my boyfriend, correction ex-boyfriend..

Aden was not the supportive nice kinda guy. I was scared to come out to him. I knew he wasn'y gonna accept me, but what else could he really do. Break up with me? 

That would be great, I've been wanting to do it for a few weeks. Which reminds me of Brandon. Both of them are total dicks. Two dickheads :) The shit they do disgust me. 

I'm scared for Billie and I'm soo proud of her. She did something she should've done a while ago. All we have to do is wait and see and hope for the best.

 And hope Billie stays safe from Brandon. And that Brandon try to harm her like Aden did to me.

I have to admit, Billie was hella brave to break up with me. He generally seems scary. I'm happy for her. 

Drew's POV

Oh my god! They finally billie broke up. He was such bad for her and her mental health. She deserves this break up more than anyone right now. 

I'm so glad she got out of this. All the stories Billie told me of Brandon always made me question why she was till with him. I'm so happy for her.

All the tears she cried over his stupid ass. I'm happy for her. 

Brandon's POV 

Oh I know she did not just break up with me. Oh hell the fuck no. This bitch isn't breaking up with me. If anyone I'm breaking up with her ugly dumb bitch ass.

 I was only with her for that body. She's a worthless bitch and I wish the worst for her. I already hate her so much. She thinks she's all this and that. But no, she's not.

 Just a worthless motherfucker. She's not even that famous. And whatever she got, I'm using her for.

I'm using her for her body and fame. Thought she'd know. OH dumbass. HAHHAHAHAH she's gonna regret this forever. FOREVERRR!

Billie's POV

Brandon left the house, threatening me that I made a mistake by ending our stupid ugly messed up relationship. Like as if he's a god or some shit.

 After he left I felt free. free? y-yea i just feel different. I feel like the word free is the only way I can describe the feeling. It was a good feeling.

 And I knew that Brandon would've never accepted this feeling. I think that's why I was feeling free. relieved. Something I've never felt before. It was different. 

It made me feel good about myself. I was happy with this feeling. 

A/N:  thank you all for reading this far :) im sorry this was short. 

ily guys, wear a mask when u go out. stay safe!

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