6. wait so what's happening?

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Isabel's POV

sooo we're what?! its been what about a month since i moved in with them and um- yea its happening. we are moving. 

billie took drew and i to see the house the very next day.

 the house was beautiful. it was crazy big. i was shook.

 i didn't know how much it cost but i knew it was a crazy amount. we all loved the house. 

in the car ride home, i asked her how much it cost and it was 2 million dollars.

 2 fricking million dollars. that's soo expensive. but billie being rich as fuck.

 i thought we were gonna split the pay but she wouldn't let us.

 i was so confused. if we were gonna live in the house why couldn't we pay for it.

after we went home we agreed that i would pay for groceries and all house stuff and drew would pay the bills. 

2 weeks later.

billie bought the house with only and all cash. rich perks or whateva-

we were supposed to move in on august 24th of 2019 and its july 17. we had some time. we packed some of the things but not a lot. 

we moved little things to that house. 

we were moving for three reasons. first of all we were in slight danger from que stalking us and literally following us everywhere.

secondly there is a guy who has been showing up to our house all the times its really creepy. he never wants to leave our house.

literally two of the reasons are because of stalkers.

the third reason is billie wants to live in a bigger living space. i feel so lucky that they just welcomed me in like that.

now my life is lowkey in danger-

and that mf aidan now knows that i live in cali which means he gon be glued to my ass too. 

PLS istg men are so annoying. wanna mf kill them sometimes. ugh

Billie's POV

drew, isa and i went to the new house constantly and moved little things. we bought our own furniture and moved them into the house. the paparazzi was becoming a huge issue.

i was terrified of them finding our new house. wtf was i supposed to do when i have hundreds of people following me all the time.

i cant get any sort of privacy ever. it was getting on my nerves. but what can i do?

PLS there is just something with me and isa and toxic men.

the next day when isa an i were driving to the new house, the mf paps were following us. i couldn't go to my house so i just drove around. wtf

wtf am i supposed to do in this situation. i just can't anymore. 

A/N: i know I'm like writing this after like a whole month and a half and this like the shortest chapter ever. im really sorry. i wish i wrote a longer chapter but i just cant with school. im sorry ill try to update longer chapters soon. i love you. stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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