Chapter 3

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*Beca's POV*

"Are you going to explain all that?" Jesse asks me as soon as Rheed and his group leave.

I sigh, "Nope, later."

"Why the hell not?" He almost shouts.

"Because Jesse, I have rehearsal now, I honestly don't see why you're so mad he's just and old friend!"

"An old friend, that's all you're giving me?"

"For now." I grin and go on my tiptoes so I can lightly kiss his lips. "You can get very cute when you're mad."

"Woah! Hey I'm not mad."

"Goodbye Jesse." I say opening the door for the rest of the Bellas who just arrived.

"I wasn't mad."

"I'll see you later." I say pushing him through the door.

"What was that all about?" Stacie asks me as they all sit down.

"Oh nothing, just something about a guy." I wave my hand dismissively. "Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, trouble in coupleville?"

"No! It's nothing." I sigh. "Just, argh, never mind, where's Fat Amy? And the new girls?"

"She's outside, getting them ready for the initiation ceremony." Lilly (who happens to be talking now) says.

"Hang on, what? What initiation ceremony?" Surely we weren't gonna do the same lame one we did last time?

"Oh Amy has something planned." Stacey says. "Oh and speak of the devil..."

Amy walks in carrying a big black bag.

"Amy? What are you doing?" I ask.

"The initiation ceremony silly, here hold this." She says handing me the bag and starts pulling stuff out if it.

"What are those for?" Stacie asks pointing at the large containers of oil.

"All will be revealed momentarily." Amy says.

Ten minutes later she has all the lights off, 5 big pillars with flames coming out from the top (that's why she had oil) and a small bubble blowing machine.

"Seriously Amy, what the hell is going on?" I ask getting annoyed.

"Ok, well did you ever see Finding Nemo?"

"Finding what now?"

"Finding Nemo. Anyway there's this scene where Nemo is becoming Shark bait and he has to go through the ring of fire which is really just bubbles so I thought we could do that with the new girls!"

What on earth was she talking about?

Shark bait?

Rings of bubble fire?

"Ugh whatever." I give in. "Just hurry up."

"Certainly, Lilly go get the girls, they're waiting outside."

Lilly goes and lets them in, most of them with confused looks on their faces

"Oh, it's like Finding Nemo!" One of them whispers.

Oh my...

I zone out as Amy begins explaining what they have to do. This is going to be a long morning...and I still have to talk to Rheed and Jesse.


*Rheed's POV*

It's about 5:00 when I'm eating my cornflakes that I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yell, switching the tv off.

"Seriously what the hell are you doing here?"

It's Beca.

Not that I'm surprised, I was actually expecting her a little early.

I put my bowl down. "I didn't know it was illegal to go to school here."

"You know what I mean."

"Actually I don't."

She sighs. "Last time I heard you were going to Penn State to play football?"

"Yeah well that fell through, dad got relocated, and then-then."

She folds her arms. "Then what?"

"He died."

She looks taken aback. "He-he what?"

"It was a motorcycle accident, mum had always warned him about them, he never listened though...guess he should have, huh?"

"Rheed I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, anyway mum couldn't bear the thought of staying and she thought I should go to College with a family friend. I didn't really care, I'd pretty much lost all my drive so she made me join a club."

"And you picked a Capella?"

"Well to be fair I wanted to join the Quidditch team but they had no places left. I dunno, I can sing and I saw a new a cappella group starting so I thought why not?"

"Well you guys better get your act together, regionals is coming soon and you're gonna be up against either the current of former ICCA champions."

"Oh i'll warn the guys, don't worry we'll be prepared." I grin.

"Oh I bet." She laughs. "Well I better get going."

"I'll see you at the game on Friday yeah?"

"Maybe, if Jesse wants to."

"All right then, see ya Beca."

"Bye Rheed." She smiles and then shuts the door.

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