Chapter 2

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Okay well this chapter has about the same amount of words as the last one sooo... sorry! I guess i'm just in the mood for writing right now lol. Even though its 18:46.


Byakuya POV

A shrieking scream echoed through the school which I can only assume came from the low-life, Makoto. I'll be honest i'm intrigued by what he was making such a fuss about. Maybe someone has finally committed a sin? After those videos that Monokuma made us watch I wouldn't be suprised if someone *did* murder another.

My video was basically talking about how my family lost all of their money and their respect had been taken from them (not canon btw I don't actually know what his was). Honestly it didn't bother me at all, after all I could just bring back my families fame and wealth after graduating from Hope's Peak considering it 'guarentees success'.

However, i'm curious to find out what Kyoko's Ultimate is. I believe Makoto got in by pure luck but I don't think they've mentioned anything about her, nor has she.

Back onto the scene at hand, everyone was scared and worried about what might have happened. It disgusts me about how fragile everyone is however, there is that small few like Celeste and Kyoko who don't have a reaction at all.

"Right, we will pick two people to go check on Makoto! I assume he went to Sayaka's dorm so they will go there. Any voulenteers?" The loud and nerve wracking hall monitor (I'm sorry Taka, love you!) spoke and the whole room kept silent.

"I will go", I said and everyone looked at me with a shocked, almost concerned expression on their faces. "What? Maybe someone finally murdered one of their fellow classmates. I'm intrigued to find out". After that they all looked at me with nothing but pure disgust on their faces and I just scoffed.

"I'll go too to make sure this guy doesn't kill Makoto", Yasuhiro voulenteered with a faint, awkward laugh that got no response in return. For once I was greatful for that guy being there, if he hadn't Toko probably would have since she was about to put her hand up.

"Alright, come back and inform us what's wrong once you've discovered it", Taka stated as it looked like he almost shooed us off, and Hagakure motioned me to follow behind him as he was closer to the door, which I happily complied to, despite how much he disgusted me.

As we walked through the red-tinted hallway it was complete silence of two people with completely different emotions, interest and concern. We stopped by Sayaka's dorm where the door was wide open, as he was probably too focused on his 'friend' to close it. Of course nobody else but me has proper manners. Well... maybe a few.

As we peered inside we saw a most intriguing sight to see. The room had scratch marks all over the place and a table was flipped.

Hagakure stood, frozen, unable to make a sound, but me, I just walked in there with a plain look that was always plastered onto my face.

I looked around the room until I caught something in the corner of my eye. A shoe. Or more specifically a foot, Makotos foot. He seemed to have fainted infront of the bathroom door, how weak. I peered into the bathroom and there she was, Sayaka. She was dead, and if i'm being honest I was suprised that she died in a bathroom of all places.

I focused my attention back onto Makoto, who seemed to have faceplanted into a pool of Sayakas blood. I turned him over and looked at his face.

If i'm being honest... he's attractive. Big innocent eyes that look like an angels. Soft, small nose that rose and fell in rhythm of his breathing. His soft lips and the pale, flawless skin that surrounded the rest of his features. His cheeks which had a tint of pink on them were now covered in a warm red color of Sayaka's blood. I rolled up my sleeve and used it to clean the blood off his face so I could see it better... there are other reasons apart from so I can see his adorable- I mean- peasant face.

Afterwards, I decided that it would be best to bring him back to the others to show them he's okay, just passed out from shock is all. I held onto his back and ducked my hand under his left leg, and then his right leg so I could carry him bridal style. He weighed almost nothing which somehow worried me, which doesn't happen frequently.

The moment I picked him up and stood up Yasuhiro peeked around the corner and gasped. I think he wanted to scream but couldn't manage from the shock.

After he saw the body we heard a sound from the rooms monitor. *Ding Dong Bing Bong* "A body has been discovered! Now then I would tell you that you have a certain amount of time to investigate... buuuut first, I want you all to meet me in the gym. Also, rich kid, carry Makoto with you as well. I wouldn't want him to miss out on the discussion! Alrighty then, don't take your time, i'll be waiting~".

After the announcement I groaned and walked away, leaving behind a shocked and scared Hagakure. Oh well, I don't really care for anyone I leave behind, my main concern right then was what does Monokuma want to talk about? The most likely scenario is that he tells us about the murder and explaining to the idiots that one of the *students* killed Sayaka and not him.

I look down at Makotos unconcious form and I feel... something. It's definately a feeling that i'm not familiar with yet. I didn't realise that I'd stopped walking and was just staring at him. Soon I snapped out of my trance and I was stood in front of the gym door.

I kicked it open with my foot and everyone looked over at me with concern all over their faces. I'm assuming it's concern for their friend who's layling limp in my arms.

It was only in that moment that I realised how small he was. My face felt warm and I couldn't understand why until I saw Aoi staring at me with a shocked look on her face. It soon changed into a smirk though and she quickly said, "oooooh, someones got a crushhh". As soon as she said that I felt my face burn up and everyone looked away from the boy in my arms and at me.

Some had a dirty smirk on their face such as, Leon, Mondo, Junko and of course Aoi. Some were genuinely shocked such as Sakura, Celeste and Chihiro. There was one with no expression what so ever which was of course Kyoko, even though she wasn't even looking in our direction. However, there was one that stood out from the rest who had nothing on her face but rage and that someone was Toko.

I rolled my eyes, my face not feeling heated anymore and I walked over to a nearby bench. I placed Makoto down and made sure it would be comfortable to lay on. I could hear Aoi giggling like a fangirl and it annoyed me to the point where I wanted to puke. Once I was sure he would be comfy, I walked away to a space far away from the other group of people who had luckily faced their attention towards the boy I left 'sleeping'.

Asahina rushed over to Makoto to check he was alright by checking his temperature, making sure he had no wounds and such. Though I believe he would only have a few bruises from the impact he made with the floor.

I'll be honest, I felt kind of jealous that she was the one to touch him and make sure he wasn't hurt. Oh well, I guess I may be able to do that later if he faints *every* time he sees a dead person.

Though, it did slightly hurt that he was upset from something that I could not understand. I suppose the way he felt right then when he saw his dead friend is how I'd feel if he died right no- hold on a second what am I thinking!? Of course I wouldn't feel any sympathy for a low life like him...


if thats true...

then what's this feeling right now..?


I love Aoi istg.

1437 Words.

Misunderstood (Byakuya x Makoto) [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now