Chapter 8

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I'M FINALLY BACK IN THE MOOD TO WRITE JESUS DUCKING CHRIST our lord and saviour. It took a literal year. Screw adhd man seriously. And mental health ofc.

Anyways I hope you find this one good considering you had to wait THAT long. I'm truly sorry and I hope you enjoy this one.

Oh! And also an important note relating to the story: I realised that I never included the sauna battle... sorry I forgot lol- but I'm gonna make it where since Makoto had fainted, Taka and Mondo chose whoever else ended up at the dining hall first. I guess I'd just make it be Hagakure? I dunno... But yeah, I hope that helps.

Makoto POV

Another motive...

As soon as he had finished his sentence the whole room fell silent. I looked at everyone, and as I expected. They were frozen. Frozen from the fear... the fear that another killing may happen.

What scared me the most was how traumatizing the last one was. And the fact that there will be an even *bigger* motivation considering the shock we were left with from Leons excecution... i'm sure the motivation would have to be terrifying to have anyone risking that pain being brought amongst themselves.

My dread only grew bigger as he pulled out a few envelopes, speaking words that were fogged by my pure fear in which clouded my brain and thoughts. He tossed the envelopes to each of us as they landed directly infront of each of our feet, waiting in anticipation as if asking to be read.

I picked it up with slight hesitation and began shakingly peeling it open. As soon as I opened the envelope I looked inside... and there was a piece of paper. I brought it out slowly, being careful to not rip it with my hands which were now shaking more violently than before. I finally pulled the paper out and looked at the words infront of me...

'Makoto wet the bed until 8th grade.'



Wait... that's it? That's what my anxiety had built up for? I mean... it's embarrassing but it's nothing that I would take a life for.

I looked over at everyone else. They looked... shocked? I'm just dumbfounded by how strange this is. I mean seriously, if mine is something as weak as this then everyone else's can't be that bad, right?



No... if everyone else's was like mine then they wouldn't look like this. That means that a killing may happen after all. Another death filled with pain and suffering. Another trial filled with doubt and hatred between us all. And another excecution... that will never leave my mind no matter how much I want to forget.

The silence was interuppted by a shout. "H-how do you know this!?" Taka yelled at Monokuma.

"Yeah, what were you stalking us or something?" Hina responded as well, both seeming creeped out by the situation.

Now that I think about it, how *does* he know this stuff? Whether it's minor stuff like mine or something like murdering someone, he shouldn't know these private things about our life. We surely haven't met him before. Damn... it really is creepy.

"Well, I did tell you didn't I? This is your new motivation! If none of you kill another, i'll be forced to share all your secrets to the rest of the class!" Monokuma yelled with pure joy... it's disgusting from how much pleasure he gets from this.

Watching others suffer because of you? I couldn't imagine gaining happiness from that.

Anyways, to sum up everyone, we're freaking out. Like- a lot.

Misunderstood (Byakuya x Makoto) [REWRITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang