Chapter 6

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Okay so i'm here to announce that this was *after* the class trial cause i'm too lazy to add *every* detail. It's all too complicated. But this is *just* after Leons (or should I say... 11037s) excecution.

Also I have a thing for making Byakuya the Tsundere and Yandere mix type sooo- here's some Yundere Togami!!! (Yes I made that word up :)).


Byakuya POV

Leons excecution had just passed and the air was thick. The excecution was brutal and merciless. Even *I* was a little disturbed by what was shown before me.

During the trial, me, Kyoko and Makoto were the only ones who really *did* anything. If i'm being honest, Makoto is pretty smart. He was able to figure out quite a lot about the case and did very well in proving himself innocent. Sometimes I had this strange urge to hug him... weird right? I've never had such an urge in my life, not even for my own mother! All I knew was that this boy was special in some way that I had yet to figure out. But there was one thought that frequently came into mind.

Do I like him?

As soon as the words were spoken in my head I felt my face warm up. Especially since Makoto happened to be positioned beside me.


I *could* reach out for his hand and- nope. Nopety nope nope.

No way I'd do that! It's foolish to even think in such a way! All this was happening in my head while voices outside were screaming in fear about the excecution.

Is this really what love does to you? You can't stop thinking about said person, even once someone was just pummeled to death by baseballs right in front of you!? If so then it is a very powerful source. Or maybe it is just that mine is very strong... I might even kill someone for him!

Thinking about that made me realise just how crazy I was for him. Believe it or not I had fell in love with him. After the investigation and our little chat we had, I felt butterflies in my stomach every time he spoke or I heard his voice.

And every person who accused him, I felt like slitting their throat, gauging their eyes out for the remaining seconds they are still alive and sticking them in their mouth to be the last thing they taste before they descended into hell. It felt like a blade in my stomach when he was upset about Sayaka basically betraying him, it made me wish I had killed her myself.

Hifumi was just being a genuine jackass, the guy even said he'd 'put Makoto in his place'.

I also said some awful things i'd do to Sayaka in mind if she chose *me* to kill, to attempt betraying him. But then again if that *did* happen it would either be, Makoto dying and everyone else who I don't really care much about, or me dying and losing the only chance with him ever. Plus he'd probably hate me, which would just hurt too much.

There were a lot of twists and turns in the trial which *were* quite intruiging.

I never really liked Sayaka... she just had this... vibe... to her. She didn't seem like she was genuine about *anything* she did. Like everything she did, everything she said... was all a lie.

Her attempted murder was idiotic in my opinion. I didn't even think twice about committing a murder when I saw those videos. I'd need a better reason to kill someone than *that*. Seriously, it was a weak motive, and *she* was weak by falling for it. (Lol sorry I just REALLY dislike Sayaka lmao).

However, Makoto seemed to be more... upset... than angered. He probably felt betrayed. The one person he put all of his trust in... betrayed him without hesitating. I've never really had any human contact so I wouldn't know *exactly* how he felt, but I could *infer* it.

Misunderstood (Byakuya x Makoto) [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now