Chapter 3

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Hello! If you can't tell already im trying to get up to at least 1000 words each Chapter so that you guys won't have to wait forever for only a small bit of the story.

I also kinda lost motivation to watch someone play the game again just to write it down in the story even though it probably won't change anything anyways.

But anyways this is just kinda the part where he and everyone are grieving over Sayaka and then you know who gets stabbed to death. Sorry I know I probably missed a few things from the story such as how Celeste says the murder took place in Makoto's room and everyone gets SUS of him but uh yeah... I dunno i'm just basing off of what I can remember.


Makoto POV

I wake up to see nothing but a blank ceiling, and an aching feeling in my face.

What happened?

As if on que the memories and images of a few minutes ago came flooding back and it became hard to breathe. My eyes widened and I shot awake and I practically hopped off the bench and everyone was staring at me. They could clearly see the shock on my face as they had sympathy on their faces. I clutched my chest and held back tears. I couldn't protect her... I couldn't help her and assist her like I promised. I...

I just lost my friend because I was too weak.

The sentence is what made me collapse onto my knees and full on sob. I heard a few swift footsteps coming towards me, and the figure wrapped their arms around me. I just cried into their shoulder as I returned their embrace. The soft arms around me made me feel better and safe. Although I am curious as to why I heard people gasp when they did.

Wait... do they maybe think I killed Sayaka? No... nonononono they can't think that. *How* can they think that???

I didn't realise that I was hyperventilating, and that people around me were getting even more concerned. The person embracing me began rubbing small circles in a pattern on my back, which was suprisingly calming. My breathing slowly came back to its original rhythm. I felt tired but I can't pass out again! I slowly look up at the person who was hugging me and calming me down and as soon as I saw who it was I couldn't even say a word. The baby blue eyes that you could get lost in for hours, the perfect lips that you could kiss and feel you were up in heaven. The calming yet stern features made me blush. It was hard to believe he'd ever even touch my shoulder as well! As soon as he saw my blush he realised what he had been doing and blushed too. He looked away from me as if trying to pretend he did nothing.

He stood up and held a hand out for me. The thought of holding his hand made me even more flustered then I already was so I declined and stood up swiftly on my own, which seemed to disappoint him. I didn't realise that everyone had been watching and most were smirking and some of the girls and about one boy were giggling as if unable to conceal their excitement. Even the one who seemed like they had no emotion, Kyoko was suprised and had a slight smile on her face. But there was one face in particular that scared me shitless, Toko. She had nothing but pure rage on her face as if to say 'i'm gonna kill you the second I get the chance to'. I think Byakuya was curious to see what I was staring at so he turned and looked at Toko. He scowled at her and her face seemed to change from angry to scared in a split second. That girl confuses me (lol sorry Toko I needed to, love ya <3).

Moving on from the events that just took place I thought back to the real problem... It seems everyone else caught on to my expression and thought back to the situation at hand as well. They all looked as if they just came back from a funeral... well... I can't blame them. Our friend just died, it's a natural reaction.

As the despair was left hanging in the air a familiar voice whimpered from the end of the room. "Puhuhuhu, why all the gloomy faces? It's only a dead classmate, jeez chill". Monokuma announced and the air became thick. We could all feel our body temperatures rise as rage built up. "What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" Junko yelled, "what do you mean 'it's only a dead classmate' huh!?" As she yelled I could practically feel the gym shake as her voice ricochet off the walls and around the whole room. Monokuma tilted his head and looked at her with a confused, almost innocent looking, expression. "It means what I said. Want me to say it again?" He spoke. "PIECE OF SHIT!!! DO YOU REALLY THINK ANY OF US ARE GONNA RESPECT WHAT YOU JUST SAID!?" Mondo full on yelled with obvious anger in his voice. "That girl had a future! A family, friends, people who cared for her!" yelled Junko once again.

Monokuma looked almost defenceless as he had two students looking as if they were ready to rip his robotic throat out. Though he quickly looked as if he was bored with the show the two of them had put on, and just said ,"I'm just here to inform you about how, where and when Sayaka Maizono's death took place you lazy asses." Junko, obviously upset, began quickly making her way over to Monokuma with eyes of rage. "Like any of us are gonna take a death this lightly! Give us some space to grieve you heartless monster!" As she dragged on the last word she stomped her foot onto Monokumas neck, knocking him to the ground. He looked suprised and angry, as if he didn't expect it to happen, after he said, "Hey! Violence against the head master is strictly prohibited!" After that he began yelling random gibberish about spears of... whatever, but after he had begged for help from whatever being, there came a sight I wish I had never seen...

Junko's body had been impaled by about 13 blades that randomly appeared out of nowhere! Blood flooded out of her body and made its way down her clothes, to the ground, and making a pool of blood. You know the saying of when a room is silent, you can hear a pin drop? Well... after that, you could definately hear a pin slice through the air with how quiet we all went with shock, apart from a thud from Toko face planting the hard ground.

The only other things you could hear were Junko's attempts to breathe but the punctures in her lungs prevented her as the breath began leaving her body. "What..." she managed as all the rest of us just stood there in shock, mouths wide open, "this.... wasn't.... supposed to....." As she squeezed out her last word her eyes rolled to the back of her head before her body gave in and she collapsed to the ground, a few of the blades falling from her lifeless body onto the ground.


she died.


1243 words.

Misunderstood (Byakuya x Makoto) [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now