Common room Party (Wolfstar)

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The marauders were in their dorm room, lounging around. James was laying in his bed messing with his snitch. Peter was trying to solve a rubik's cube at the bottom of James' bed. Remus and Sirius were laying in Remus' bed, hunched over the map discussing ideas for a new prank. They were laying on their stomachs and their sides were pressed together.

"You know what sucks?" James suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" Sirius looked up, intrigued.

"We are in our last year of Hogwarts" James sat up, startling Peter "We should be having the time of our lives."

"Are you not yet satisfied? Lily Evans has never been so close to dating you" Sirius grinned.

"And that's a miracle" Peter said.

James kicked Peter off the bed and he fell on the floor with a thump "Of course I love that, you numptie. It's just it feels like we're missing out on something."

"Something like what?" Remus pressed James on.

"Like a thrill" James threw his hands in the air for dramatic affect.

"The pranks not doing it for you anymore James?" Remus smirked and Sirius snickered.

"Well that's a thrill for us but those at the other end of the pranks however..."

"Sounds like we're about to get a McGonagall lecture" Sirius exaggerated a yawn.

"What I'm saying is, why don't we do something fun? Something that's fun for everyone."

"That... actually is a good idea" Sirius smiled "And I think I know exactly what you are referring to. I've got an idea James."

"Talk to me Padfoot" James leaned forward and grinned.

Sirius hopped off Remus' bed and over to James. He leaned down and whispered something into his ear. James face slowly twisted into a grin.

"Sirius you're a bloody genius."

The next day in the Gryffindor common room everything was calm for once. That was until Sirius Black hopped onto the back of one the couches.

"Attention Gryffindor common room!" Sirius boomed. Those in the room turned to look at him. Some students braced themselves for a prank.

"Ease your minds I'm not about to prank you" Sirius said "...for now. I am here to announce something. Something that you all must swear to keep a secret from all professors and those who may snitch. Do I have your word?"

People nodded their heads and a few muttered different variations of yes.

"Excellent" Sirius clasped his hand together "I know that the younger years from first year to fifth year are going to gone this weekend due to a retreat for their O.W.Ls. So due to that fact this Saturday night me and my brilliant companion James will be hosting a party right here in the common room. Yes you may sneak in your friends from other houses but if one of you invite Snivellus you're out. Spread the word, hide from professors and get excited for this will be one of the greatest night of your lives."

Without another word Sirius sat back on the couch next to Remus who had been gawking at him for it.

"A party?" Remus questioned "that's your big thrill?"

"Come on Remus" James said from the couch across from them "It'll be wicked."

"For you maybe" Remus sighed "I'm not exactly great with people."

"You're so loveable though" Sirius frowned.

"Funny" Remus said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

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