Holding you (Wolfstar)

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One thing Remus adored about Sirius is how touch affectionate he was. Being the couple they were they weren't able to hold hands in public or share small kisses like other partners would. The second the two were alone, the moment they were behind closed doors Sirius would he touching Remus in any way he could.

When they were watching TV Sirius would slip his hand into Remus' one. He might snuggle into his side ot wrap his arm around his shoulder and pull him close. When Remus was making coffee in the kitchen Sirius would sneak up behind him and snake his arms around waist, he'd nestle his face into his neck and just rest there.

One day Remus sat on the couch sipping on a mug of hot chocolate carelessly. A book sat in his lap as he read through it slowly a small smile dancing on his lips. Suddenly the door burst open. Remus wasn't surprised at all he just turned his head to see Sirius trudging in.

"Are you alright love?" Remus asked closing the book and setting his hot chocolate down on the coffee table.

"Nope" Sirius flopped down on the couch.

"Want to talk about it?" Remus asked, knowing he would.

"Well I bet you could guess" Sirius sighed as he lay his head on Remus's lap "I was called a murderous death eater yet again by some stranger on the street."

"You were proved innocent two years ago" Remus ran his hands through Sirius's hair "You think people would know by now."

"Oh they do" Sirius shook his head "but everyone has theories. What if Sirius Black is actually the traitor and all that bullshit."

"Must be hard."

"It's more annoying really" Sirius' eyebrows furrowed "I don't want people to think I did that to Lily and James. They were my friends- my family."

"I know love, I know" Remus soothed "Think of it this way James and Lily know you didn't do that to them. I know and so does Harry. That's all that mattes  yeah?"

"I guess" Sirius looked at Remus "I'm glad you're still with me."

He lifted up his hand and cupped Remus's cheek with his hand. Remus smiled warmly as he leaned into the touch.

"I'll always be with you Sirius."

Sirius offered his signature, crooked smile "I love you so much darling."

"I love you too" Remus kissed Sirius' hand.

Sirius scooted up so his back was pressing against Remus's stomach. Remus wrapped his arms around his waist and the two simply lay with each other.



"Do you think that we can stay like this forever?"

Remus chuckled "I sure would like to."

It felt good. Holding Sirius that is. Warmth radiating from him, despite all the years in a cold household, in a cold cell he was still warm. Remus kissed the top of his head.

"You're so strong."

Sirius laughed "You're so loveable."

Sirius reached over and grabbed the book from the coffee table. He opened it  and traced his fingers over the faint outlines of where Remus had dog eared the pages.

"Want me to read for you?" Sirius asked "I'll do voices and all."

Remus laughed "That would be lovely."

And so they sat all night in front of the blazing fire as Sirius read out the book dramatically (adding in words here and there for drama.) Remus loved every moment of this.

He loved Sirius Black so bloody much.


Just a short one shot about how cute these boys are
Hope you enjoyed!

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