Shout it from the Rooftops (Drarry)

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Draco grunted as Harry shoved him against the wall of the room of requirement. Their lips collided immediately. This had been going on for awhile now. Much to everyone's surprise when Draco returned for his eighth year at Hogwarts he had made it his mission to apologise to everyone he had ever hurt. Especially the golden trio. After getting over the shock of Draco's drastic change Harry ended up becoming friends with him which then would develop into a relationship. They had been having secret meetings in the room of requirement ever since.

"Harry" Draco said as Harry was kissing his neck.

"Mhm" Harry hummed in answer.

"Stop for a second."

Harry moved back "Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just I need to talk to you about something."


Draco pushed himself off the wall and moved to sit on the couch the room of requirement had summoned. Harry followed him feeling slightly nervous at what Draco was going to see.

"What's on your mind Dray?" Harry asked reaching over and grabbing his hand.

Draco smiled at him at squeezed his hand "Well somethings been on my mind for awhile. I've been very reluctant to tell you..."

"You can tell me anything" Harry assured.

Draco's face seemed to tighten and that only worried Harry more "You're very good to me aren't you?"

Harry smiled slightly "I hope so."

Draco laughed slightly and Harry joined in. Once the laughter died down Draco's face turned somber again.

"Harry" Draco said as Harry stared right at him "When I came back to school I was so grateful to be given this chance, I still am. After everything I've done to be welcomed back was purely astonishing."

Harry desperately wanted to tell him that he made up for it, that they were both kids fighting in a war that wasn't theirs but he bit his tongue and let Draco continue.

"You know I decided that I had to be more honest with everyone, that I wanted to be more true to myself."

Harry nodded acknowledging he knew but also encouraging him along.

"After the war, after all the sneaking around I had done I was just sick of the lying and not being myself. So I apologised to everyone, I tried to make it up to everyone."

"You did-"

"I'm still trying" Draco shook his head slightly "I don't think I ever truly will but that's besides the point. Harry I can't keep sneaking around."

Harry blinked at him "What do you mean?"

"I love being with you Harry. You make me happier than I ever have been... but I hate sneaking around like this. When I came out it was so I didn't have to hide who I love. It feels like I'm doing that now."

Harry's sick feeling only grew "Dray you know I'm not out yet."

"I know Harry and I'm not asking you to come out before you're ready. Believe me I know how hard it is. I just don't think I'm able to keep sneaking around. I don't want us to be a dirty little secret. It feels like we're some sort of scandal."

"I don't see you like that" Harry insisted.

"I know you don't. But t feels like it. Harry I want to be able to hold your hand in the great hall. I want to be able to not worry about hugging you in case someone takes it the wrong way. Whenever I see Ron and Hermione or Dean and Seamus and they're being affectionate right in public it hurts. I'm not asking for your to shout my name from the rooftops or anything I just want to be able to do things like that."

Wolfstar and Drarry OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon