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"I don't know about this Harry..."

Draco was feeling sick to his stomach. This year he and Harry had decided to spend Christmas with Sirius and Remus. Harry had been begging Draco to meet the two but Draco had always been hesitant. He was not the most popular with people after the war and he could only assume they were no different. After all Sirius had almost died in fifth year and although Draco wasn't involved in that incident he still couldn't help bearing some of the blame. Draco considered his past to be something he himself couldn't forgive, he couldn't imagine what others may think of him. No one approved when Harry announced they were dating. A death eater dating the chosen one? The tabloids ate it up. There was many hateful comments. Draco could only hope Remus and Sirius wouldn't feel the same.

The two were currently walking up to Sirius and Remus' house. Draco was internally panicking while Harry walked by his side.

"Dray it's gonna be fine. They'll love you" Harry assured "Besides it's too late to back out now."

"I don't know I could just take off sprinting" Draco was joking but a part of him was considering it.

"I'd accio your ass right back here" Harry responded. They two reached the door and Harry knocked a few times.

They two could hear fumbling inside before the door opened. There stood Remus, smiling warmly.

"Harry, Draco" He smiled "Come on in."

"Hey Remus" Harry entered, Draco following awkwardly behind him "Merry Christmas. Where's Padfoot?"

"In the kitchen" Remus answered "Been fussing over the dinner all day."

Harry laughed "That's Sirius for you."

"I heard my name" Sirius appeared in the hallway doorway "Harry!"

He and Harry shared a hug. Draco picked at his skin he hadn't said a single thing yet.

"Good to see you lad" Sirius said as he pulled away. Suddenly, he turned his head to Draco "Hey Draco. How's your mother?"

Draco was startled "I uh- she's good. Spending Christmas with Andromeda."

Sirius smiled "It's good to see them reconnecting after everything."

"Yeah" Draco nodded.

"Mhm, dinners almost ready guys. Harry you can just leave those presents by the tree. I'll see you in the dining room soon."

Sirius walked out and Remus trailed after him. Draco stuck close to Harry's side as he moved to the living room and put the presents under the tree. 

"This is going good so far" Harry smiled.

"I don't know Harry. I'm so awkward and they seem uncomfortable around me."

"Draco that's ridiculous. You're doing great and they're not uncomfortable. Loosen up a bit."

Draco sighed "I'll try."

Harry reached over and squeezed his hand. Draco smiled at him. The two made their way to the dining room where Remus and Sirius already sat. The table was filled with food it reminded Draco of the feasts they would have back in Hogwarts.

"Wow Sirius you've out done yourself" Harry said while he pulled out a chair for Draco. Draco sat down flushing slightly.

"Forever a perfectionist" Remus said. Everyone began scooping food on their plates. Draco didn't take much. 

"Explains why such pure perfection is my boyfriend" Sirius smiled.

Remus rolled his eyes "Far from."

"Remus I'm not about to get into a fight about how perfect you are. I am very passionate about this."

"God Draco cover your ears I've heard this so many times already and it gets old very fast" Harry said.

"Remus never gets old!" Sirius declared.

"Okay, okay I'm putting a stop to this" Remus said "How's everything with you two?"

"Can't complain" Harry grinned "Ron and Draco can now have a civilised conversation so I'm calling it a win."

"Never thought I'd see the day" Sirius laughed "Weasleys and Malfoys getting along."

Draco stared down at his lap in shame. He had only touched a tiny portion of his food.

"Right well I'm gonna go to the loo real quick" Harry stood up and Draco felt himself panicking.

"Down the hall an-" Remus began.

"You act as if I haven't been here like a hundred times" Harry grinned before leaving the room.

Draco refused to look at the two as he tried to ignore the uncomfortable silence. He was just praying that Harry would be back soon.


Draco looked up and saw Remus looking right at him.

"Uh yes?" Draco could feel himself sweating.

"You can relax you know."

Draco blinked "Sorry?"

"Kid you've been so tense since you walked through the door" Sirius told him.

"I uh-"

"Look" Remus said "You don't have to be so worried."

"I'm sorry" Draco frowned "I'll admit I'm quite nervous."

"Draco we know how people have treated you" Remus told him, sympathy lacing his voice "And we thinks it's awful. We know you're not what people say."

"We don't trust gossip in a bar filled with drunks" Sirius said "We trust Harry and he speaks the world of you."

Draco felt warm "He does?"

"Absolutely" Sirius answered "He talks about you almost as much as I talk about Remus."

"The point is" Remus stopped Sirius before he could go any further "You make Harry happy. After everything that boy has been through you bring so much joy into his life. Thank you so much for that."

Draco gaped at him "I- you're welcome."

"So loosen up. You're always welcome here" Sirius held up his drink "Cheers Draco."

Draco smiled and lifted up his glass "Cheers Sirius."

As they set their glasses back down Harry walked back in.

"Hey guys" Harry sat back down "How are things going?"

"Great" Draco answered "things are going really well."

Harry was taken back by his answer but his face quickly spread into a grin "That's good. Now Mrs Weasley wants to see us some time over Christmas..."

Draco enjoyed the rest of the night which was surprising to him. He contributed in conversation and made jokes. The table was filled with laughter and love and Draco had never felt so accepted. Under the table Harry held his hand and Draco knew then just how much this man loved him.


I know this is late but Merry Christmas! For those who celebrates I hope you had a good one. Happy Holidays!

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