Chapter 5 <3

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Y/N is explaining stupid stuff to Draco, I'm not really paying attention.

I slowly get lost in my thoughts, thinking about how this place isn't that bad, and how I could consider not running away and going back to Kings Dominion.

Which I was planning on, I wouldn't know how to do it though.

I hear noises around me as I'm slowly sinking into my own little world.

All of a sudden I feel like I'm missing a noise that I was hearing before. A voice that I was hearing, and I notice it has faded away.

I slowly look up, and notice that Y/N has stopped talking.

I don't think to much of it at first, but then she's clearly becoming unwell.

She puts her arms around her stomach and closes her eyes, she then opens them and looks at her plate.

She immediately looks at Maria, shock and scare in her widely opened eyes.

"You okay?" Maria asks her, concern starting to come onto her.

She slowly shakes her head 'no', looking away from Maria and slowly pushing herself off her seat.

She stands up, and starts to quickly walk to the bathroom.

What the fuck is going on?

Maria quickly gets up and starts running after Y/N.

As they both disappear from my sight, I quickly look at Draco and Blaise, asking them what's going on by frowning my eyebrows at them.

They look at me, with their mouth full of food, they then look at her plate.

Draco quickly swallows his food.

"Strawberries", he says as he points at them.

What about them?

"She's allergic to them, one summer she ate them for the first time because she was scared of eating them for some reason. And let's just say... Her gut was right" He says as he grabs his butter croissant and takes a bite.

"She got completely sick for a few days... Not coming out of bed, not having an appetite..." Blaise says as Draco looks towards the bathroom door, he's clearly really concerned.

He decides to get up, but Blaise quickly grabs his arm.

"Bro," Blaise hisses, "she's throwing up, don't you think it would be a little embarrassing for her if anyone but Maria saw?".

Draco realizes it's not smart to go there right now, and sits back down.

"So... is she gonna be um,' I say as I clear my throat, "alright?" I ask them lowly.

"She'll probably be sick for a few days, nothing more" Blaise says as he takes his fork and takes a little bit of scrambled eggs off his plate, putting it into his mouth.

I slowly nod.

I know she hates me, and therefore, I hate her too in response, but it's not weird that I want her to be alright.


Me and the boys keep eating our breakfast for another few minutes.

"Bro, stop trying to out do me, you know I can eat this all up faster than you" Blaise says to Draco, who's eating his food really fast, clearly trying to win a game they never started.

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