Chapter 1 <3

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"Marcus Lopez Arguello"

"Y/N! Wake up!" a voice says as someone is shaking me. "WAKE UPPP!" they scream this time, I immediately sit up and look at them in shock; it's Maria, she's been my best friend since the 1st year of Hogwarts.


I walk through King's Cross, not able to find the so called "Platform 9 ¾". I figure i should ask someone, I walk over to a large man. "Excuse me, sir, could you tell me where to find Platform 9 ¾?", the man looks at me with a questioning look. "Don't try to joke with me, young lady, I don't like jokes" he says, as he immediately walks off.


As the man walks away I look around, I suddenly see a brown haired girl with brushed out curls walking with another girl. The other girl has black wavy hair, she looks really nice. "Mum!" the black haired girl said, "is Platform 9 ¾ there?".

Are they going where I am?

I immediately walk towards the mother of the girls, "Excuse me- Exc- Excuse me, ma'am!" I scream. The woman looks around and smiles, "Hermione, Maria, wait!" she says, as the girls stop walking. "What do you need dear?" she asks. "Umm, where may I find Platform 9 ¾?" I ask her, being out of breath from running. The girls start walking towards their mother, wondering why they had to stop walking.

"Walk with us, dear! My girls are going to Hogwarts for the first time too, we'll show you the way, come on" she says as she smiles at me. I look at her, then at the two girls. "Nice to meet you, I'm Hermione Granger, and this is-" she says as she got cut off by the other girl, "I'm Maria Granger, what's your name?" The girl asks me. "I'm Y/N Smith" I say. "Pleasure to meet you! I'm sure we'll be the bestest of friends!". She yanks my hand and I start walking with her and Hermione.

"In what House do you hope you'll be sorted in?" Maria asks me.

"Well, I hope Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff wouldn't be awful either," I tell her "it better not be Slytherin though, I've heard a lot of bad stuff about Slytherin witches and wizards".

"Yeah me too! I mean what is up with those Slytherin people?" She says while she laughs.

"We're here!" Hermione says, "I'll go first, watch me Y/N". I smile at her, and there she goes. She runs up to the wall between Platform 9 & 10, she doesn't stop running, she keeps going. All of a sudden, she runs through it, "How did that just happen?" I say in utter shock. Maria giggles and says "She just went to the Platform silly, relax. I'll go now... Oooohh wait, let's go together! Run after me okay? I'm sure you can do it!". I hesitate for a second, but then I nod and she smiles. She starts to run, and I run after her. When we're almost there I close my eyes, scared that I'll fail and bonk my head against the wall. But when I open my eyes, I see a train in front of me.

A bunch of kids of all ages are standing at the platform saying goodbye to their parents. "Wow!" Hermione says, "I know right!" Maria says. "Y/N? Are you alright?" Maria asks me as I'm looking around me, amazed by everything. "Y/N?!" she says as she snaps her fingers in front of my eyes, I suddenly snap back to reality and smile "It's beautiful!".

"Maria, Y/N, let's get on the train!" Hermione says, me and Maria walk to the train; smiling at each other, knowing this is gonna be the best time ever.


"Why did you have to wake me up like that Maria?" I say as I lay down again, pulling the covers over my face.

"You over slept! Remember? A new boy is coming to the school today! There's a sorting ceremony at 8 AM, and well- it's 7.50 AM now, get uppp!!!" she says as she pulls the covers off me.

The new Slytherin boy - Marcus Lopez X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now