Chapter 6 <3

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"The secret"


A few days have past since my little, actually really fucking dumb, accident. I have been feeling sick ever since, all I've basically done is laying in bed, complaining about how horrible I felt.

But it's Wednesday now, and I actually feel a lot better, so I'm returning to classes today.

I told Maria about Marcus' secret, I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I mean, I talk to Maria every day, I couldn't just keep that from her. It's a big deal, you know.

Maria was surprised, however it wasn't because she thought he spoke the truth, but because she didn't understand how I, of all people, knew.

I just told her I overheard him talking about it to himself one time, I didn't want to tell her what happened during detention that day.

The look he gave me when he told me I wasn't going to tell anyone scared me to death, I remember how his eyes pierced into mine, his hair falling over his forehead, it send a shiver down my spine.

I still don't know why I felt that, I'm not supposed to. I'm not supposed to feel stuff towards him, I absolutely bloody hate him. But still, there's something about him that I can't seem to resist, and I hate that too.

I really just hope he doesn't find out I told her, I don't want to think about what he would do to me if he knows what I did.

But I can trust Maria, she wouldn't ever tell him I told her.

I mean, why would she anyways, right?

"Y/N?" Maria screams at me from the bathroom, snapping me back to the thing I was supposed to be doing right now instead of thinking so much about the guy I absolutely despise.

I was tying my tie, we have to be down at the Great Hall in 15 minutes for breakfast.

"Yeah?" I scream back as I slightly adjust my tie, giving it a little tug at the knot. I then walk back towards my bed where the rest of my uniform is laying.

"Are you sure you can go back? I mean, are you really sure you feel okay?" She asks me as she sticks her head out of the bathroom to look at me, I can see her eyebrows furrowing at me, her eyes looking at me with worrisome.

I sigh, she's always worried about me.

I mean, it's sweet, really, but sometimes she just has to believe me when I say that I'm alright.

"Maria," I say as I look at her with a serious look on my face, "I'm okay, really".

I turn back to grabbing the rest of my uniform, and I quickly put it on. I'm all ready, so I sit down on my bed as I wait for a few more minutes for Maria to finish whatever she's doing in the bathroom, she always takes quite a long time.

She then finally comes out of the bathroom, looking like the goddess that she is.

Her black, wavy hear falling over her shoulders perfectly. Her perfect skin, with the sunlight that shines into our dorm soothing it perfectly, her perfectly shaped lips smiling at me.

She's gorgeous.

"You finally ready?" I ask her as I push myself off my bed, walking over to her.

"Yes, I'm ready" She says as she faintly giggles, she likes seeing me all energetic again after these few days of me just laying in bed all day.

I grab her hand and yank her with me, opening the door of our dorm and walking out quickly, breakfast starts in ten minutes.

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