Chapter 2 <3

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"The 3 Unforgivable Curses"


I walk into the so called Great Hall, people are staring at me. They probably have all heard of my 'reputation' at Kings Dominion.

I mean I didn't even kill those kids, but it's nice to know that people are intimidated by me. Because of that, bullies will probably not even dare to talk to me. Which is good.

I fucking hate bullies.

I keep walking with my hands in my pockets, looking at the ground. I walk past a table with, I believe you call it the Slytherin House, sitting there. I heard there are four Houses in this school.

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

I personally haven't thought about what House I wanna be in, I honestly don't give a fuck. I don't even wanna fucking be here. I mean I just started at Kings Dominion, and then I turned out to be a fucking wizard? I mean how stupid does that sound?

I look at the Slytherin people, and my eyes land on this girl.

She looks at me too, I don't show any emotion and just look away again; I can't be focusing on girls right now. I mean I may not have killed those kids but, I'm still a fucking bloodthirsty psychopath. People like me don't date, they don't feel love.

Honestly I don't feel shit.

I keep walking until I arrive at the steps, I walk up them. This old man with a long grey beard walks up to me, and takes out his hand.

I take out one hand from my pocket and I shake his, this is probably that Dumbledore guy Master Lin told me about when he told me I was a wizard.


I'm peacefully sleeping, when someone puts the fucking light on.

Hate it when people do that.

"Marcus, Master Lin wants to speak to you" this person says as they shake me awake.

I slowly open my eyes and turn around, it's Saya.

"Fucking hell Saya-" I look at the clock that hangs above my door, "It's fucking 3 AM" I say as I pull the covers over my head.

"Get the fuck up Marcus, Master Lin needs to speak to you right now" She says as she rips the covers off of me.

I groan.

Saya start giggling.

"What are you laughing for?" I say as I give her an annoyed look.

"Good choice of pyjamas Marcus, I mean what does it even say? 'I Love You More Than Pizza' ? Really Marcus?" She says as she bursts out laughing.

"Shut the fuck up Saya, I lost my own pyjama's okay I had to use Shabnam's" I say as I get out of my bed.

Saya hands me my uniform and says "Put this on and go over to Master Lin's office, as fast as you can" I grab my uniform and Saya walks out.

I put on my uniform and walk out of my room, I start walking towards Lin's office.

When I arrive, I knock at the door.

"Come in" Lin says.

I open the door and walk in, Lin is sitting at his desk with a letter in his hand.

"I believe this is for you" He says as he hands me the letter.

I sit down on a chair and take the letter from his hand.

The new Slytherin boy - Marcus Lopez X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now