Chapter 3 <3

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The words fall from my mouth.

"Avada Kedavra" I mutter.

I hear everyone gasping as a green flash of light appears, the creature drops dead.

I look around me.

Draco and Blaise are looking at me with shock and impression plastered all over their faces.

I look at Y/N and Maria, a single tear drops from Maria's face.


The rest of the class is staring at me too.


I put my wand back where it was and sit back in the position I was in.

Professor Moody takes the creature away, and walks over to his desk again.

"Well, class, there you go" Moody says, "Those were the Unforgivable Curses".


"Class dismissed!" Moody yells, "Get out of my classroom, all of you!"

As me and Maria pack up our stuff, Draco and Blaise walk over to us.

"That Marcus kid is dope-" Draco says, "Using the last Unforgivable Curse just like that?".

I look up at him, "Really, Draco? Dope? He's a fucking psychopath, using the last Unforgivable Curse like that isn't 'dope'" I say as I stand up.

Maria stands up, and walks towards Blaise.

She's clearly really upset by what she just witnessed.

She's just really sensitive, is all.

Blaise sees her and gives her a hug, "It's okay baby" he says as he kisses the top of her head.

They're so cute together I fucking can't.

As I look at them, I notice Marcus walking out of the classroom.

He probably knows his way from here to the Great Hall now.

I couldn't care less, I never want to speak to him again.


We walk into the Great Hall, everyone is having lunch.

As me and Maria walk behind Draco and Blaise, I notice Marcus sitting at the Slytherin table; alone.

He deserves to be alone, he did some fucked up shit in DADA.

We walk towards the Slytherin table, and Draco and Blaise sit down.

They don't just sit down, no, they sit down on each side of Marcus.

What the fuck, didn't we agree to stay away from his psycho ass?!

"What the fuck?" I mouth to Draco.

He looks at me and then at the table, signing us to just sit down.

Me and Maria look at eachother.

We sigh, and sit down.

I notice Marcus reading a comic book.

He's clearly not thinking about what he did in DADA at all.

"Bro, what are you reading?" Blaise asks as he picks up the comic book and looks at it.

Marcus is clearly irritated by this, he huffs and looks at Blaise.

"It's um, Flaming Carrot" He says, waiting for Blaise to give it back.

The new Slytherin boy - Marcus Lopez X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora