First Case, and a problem

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Gavin's POV

My partner is a fucking giant but I don't care about that I want to know who's motorcycle is that so I can whoop their phcking ass! Once I get to the break room I find my partner in there making coffee and looking at his phone, I don't know what he was doing but I go over by him and grab a coffee cup and grab some suger and get the creamer out of the fridge so after he's done making his coffee I can make my own.
When it beeped he looked up from his phone then flinched when he saw me. "Am I that ugly?" I say in a sarcastic voice "No just didn't realize you walked in here and just stood right there." He says, looking like he was trying to calm himself down.
He turns around and starts to make his coffee and I just sit there and wait, while I'm waiting I look over and see he already started the coffee pot and is walking away and I just sit and stare at it, like I didn't notice him making the coffee ready to make. I'm taken out of my zone when I heard the pot beeping so I go, and start to make my coffee, while I'm doing that Tina walks in and I start to talk to her for a bit, complaining about having a partner and then I start to leave and say bye to her while going back to my desk.

Conan POV

I'm just sitting there in the break room, waiting for my coffee to get done I'm staring at my phone, on a website for vampires to get blood from donaters or just blood that was stolen, I was looking on there because I had to so I have something to eat that actually fed me because my family can eat anything and get energy from it, while I only really get energy from blood. I'm just looking, when the pot starts to go of.
While I get off my phone and look up, I get somewhat get scared, because when I look up I see Gavin, just siting there looking over at me and he says "Am I that ugly?" I just look at him and say "No just didn't notice you walk in here and just stand right there."
I turn around and start making my coffee, while doing that I start to make it for him so he has sometime to do a little of his own stuff. After I'm done I walk out and go back to my desk. While I'm looking at my computer I find a case that popped up while I was in the break room and look over it and read it. The case me and Gavin have is about a little boy that is found dead in his home, along with his dead Mom and Dad. I look over the information it gives:

John Myers, 8
Died from stab wound to neck.

Kasey Myers, 28
Died from stab wound to the heart.

Miles Myers, 29
Died from neck being snapped.

They were found dead by there neighbor, when they went over to go check on them after a day of them not checking there mail or leaving there house like they always did, said the neighbor. The neighbor's name is Sierra Chambers and is 52 and was the god mother of John.-

After reading that I start to go and get my stuff ready to go and check out the scene but I wait for Gavin to tell him.

Hope ye enjoy this chapter and I'm probably gonna make a second part to this but other than that HOPE YE ENJOY!!

Bloody sheets (Vampire!Conan x Gavin)Where stories live. Discover now