First Case and First problem pt2

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Gavin's pov-

When I get done making my coffee, and talking with Tina. I head back to my desk and see Conan sitting at his, looked like he was reading a case, so I go behind him and start to read a bit so I can know what the case is about, so I ain't completely clueless.


After the reading I tap Conan on the shoulder, to let him know I'm there so he doesn't get that scared. He looks at me, looking a bit shocked and confused until I say "Come on lets go to this scene."
He gets up and grabs he coat and keys, we start heading to the door and open them to get out, when we're out, I head to my car and Conan heads to his.... motorcycle. THAT BITCH!! I say to myself, I'll confront him later I don't want to deal with him if we get into a fight and on his first day.


When I finally get there some time after Conan got there, we start to look around the scene to see if we can find anything, but one thing that catches my eye is Conan he looks kinda worried about something like he will make the wrong move and do something bad, but I'll him what's wrong later...... actually nevermind he'll probably push it off and say it's nothing, but why do I care....

I start to look around again to find clues, to see if we can more knowledge on what happened here, while I'm looking at the stuff on the ground I hear something break in the kitchen, so I pull out my gun and aim it while walking to the kitchen. When I get there I see Conan but he looks more pale then he is and he eyes look kinda red, not the grey color they was earlier.

I start walking his way and lower my gun.
"Hey you good, Conan?" I ask, he looks right at me and looks.....scared?
"G-Gavin get outside now.." he says and I just look at him confused on why would I do that, so I walk closer to him and go to touch my hands to his forehead to make sure he wasn't sick, but he backs up before I could and looks away.
"Are you sick because if you are you can have to day off or I could go an-" but before I can finish what I'm saying I'm slammed into the wall, and with Conan holding me there, with a really hard grip, like if he let go, he would fall.

I sit there not saying anything because I don't know what to say, my back hurts and he is just looking at my chest and no real eye contact at all.
"Gavin I told you to go outside, but you didn't listen, should've known...."
"Um I never listen and I've worked here longer than you so you bett-" and again I get cut off but this time his hand is on my hip, with a death grip and he's looking directly at me.

I'm actually kinda scared now, this reminds me of my past when I would get in trouble and be hit for doing nothing by my dad... I feel myself tearing up but I try and hold it back because I don't want him to see me like this, but I guess it didn't work because his grip loosened and he looked concerned.
"Gavin are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine... Let's just go.." I say wanting to leave and be home.
We start leaving he takes his motorcycle and I of course took my car.


We get inside, I go to my desk and Conan goes to the restroom to do whatever. I start to fill out something's I know about the case on my computer, so I won't forget and I got really focused on this, because after about 20 minutes I look up and see Conan at his desk working on his computer. He looked really focused because he didn't look away from his computer. I finally decide to tell him he can go home now since its times for us to clock out,
"Hey, Conan we can leave now."
"Oh ok," he says then grabs his things and walks out with me.
"So your the guy who almost knocked me off the road this morning" I say and he replies "I'm sorry I was kinda running late my older brother unplugged my alarm so I didn't wake up that early and I didn't want to be late on my first day" I knew how he felt I was running late as well, I was trying my best not to anymore because I wanted to get my life together, to be better than it was.
"It's ok just try not to do that again, well I'll see you later newbie."
"Bye, Gavin" I'm walking to my car when I hear Conan curse like something bad just happened I turn around and see that his motorcycle isn't turning on and instantly know it was out of gas or someone cut one of the wires because I had a bike of my own but stopped riding it because it is close to winter.
"You need a ride home, because that isn't gonna be fixed in enough time for you to get home and to get sleep"
"Oh sure, I'll get it tomorrow and get it fixed, and thanks, Gavin."
"No problem"

Srry guys I haven't updated in a while because I'm was busy with figuring out things and school was a bitch but other than that I'll be posting more on my stories again and I sometimes will post a pic of me or my bf bc I'm bored but other than that, HOPE YE ENJOY!!

Srry guys I haven't updated in a while because I'm was busy with figuring out things and school was a bitch but other than that I'll be posting more on my stories again and I sometimes will post a pic of me or my bf bc I'm bored but other than tha...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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