Look Who's Talking (Pt. 2)

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     Shaun yawns and stretches as he's sitting at the island in the middle of Dr. Glassman's kitchen. It's fairly early so the sun hasn't risen all the way but it leaves the sky a very dark blue. The perfect shade for this perfect atmosphere. Mornings like these usually are peaceful, and Shaun wouldn't want it any other way. He sips his orange juice in front of him and checking his phone.

"Well, Good morning, Shaun," Shaun turns around to see Dr. Glassman behind him standing under the kitchen doorway.

     "Hey," He says, not turning around to face him. Shaun goes through his emails deeming some of them to be unimportant and others to be saved, "I was wondering when you were gonna come down, We have to leave soon."

     Glassman gives him a chuckle, "You worry too much, We have an hour before we even have to start driving there," He pours himself some coffee from the pot Shaun had made a few minutes prior. "Nervous for your first day back?"

     Shaun gives a sigh, not heavy, but not too light either, "It is not my first day back, I am here to help while they need it. I will be going back to Seattle when it is over. I have not forgotten how I was treated here, and while I'm willing to help, I don't think I'll be coming back,"

     Glassman pulls a face but quickly gets over it. He understands Shaun didn't have a great experience regarding the hospital and it's staff. He knew there was prejudice around Shaun and his autism but he never really knew how they treated him besides the tid bits Shaun had told him when asking questions. He looks over at Shaun, recognizing the differences in him as he matured. It really makes him smile. Not just emotionally but physically too. He's more toned and his frame is wider.

     Shaun turns back to Glassman, "Well, are you going to stand there all morning or are you going to come get something to eat?" Glassman gives him a mock scoff and smiles. There's that sass he missed.

     "Hold your horses. I'm coming," He makes his way around the island and pops bread in the toaster and goes to pour himself some coffee. Seems like Shaun had made him some before he came down. He eats the toast while standing by the counter nearest to Shaun's back. Thinking back on when Shaun was a resident here... He thinks he should've done more to help him out with all the judgemental people that made his path way harder to trudge than it should've been, but at the same time he thinks his steeping back from Shaun was needed so the others didn't think he was babying him or just helping him get to the top because of his title. He had to do it all on his own... prove he could do it on his own. That's also a problem. He shouldn't  have to prove he could do it on his own, they should  trust that. He passed Med School for crying out loud!

     They finish their morning in a comfortable silence together and when the time came, Shaun and Glassman both walked out to the car. After unlocking the doors Glassman stopped in his tracks and turns to Shaun, "Hey, why don't you drive?"

     Shaun looks at him with worry filled eyes but also in surprise. He turns back around checking behind himself, "Me? You want me to drive us? You sure you want that? You love your car," Glassman feels a pang in his heart but he brushes it aside.

     "Of course. Plus, it's your first day, so why not?"

     Shaun hesitantly grabs the keys before settling in the drivers seat, admiring the leather seats and the way the steering wheel felt smooth on his fingertips. His sensing were just screaming with content. He started the car and drove. The first half of the ride it was quiet except for the radio show that was softly playing in the background. That is, before Glassman turned it off to face Shaun.

     "How are you feeling?"

     Shaun raises an eyebrow at the, very admittedly, odd question, "I'm fine, why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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