[Requested] Date

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Neil woke up early that morning. He wanted to plan out everything for the day. Shaun and him were on their day off and work has been a lot, so, Neil decided to surprise his boyfriend with the perfect date. He smiled. He loved that is was official. He loved that he could call him that, his boyfriend. Right now, Shaun was cuddled up against Neil's chest. Their favourite position. (Well, Neil's actually. He loves to look down at Shaun's resting form. He has to resist the urge to kiss him on the head each time. most of the time he gives in... like this one) Neil pulls him closer, careful not to wake him up and kisses him before eventually getting up. He jumps in the shower quickly. Sometimes he takes so long Shaun is waiting for him to get out, so he doesn't want to take long because he wants to be ready before he gets out. He gets out and dresses in casual wear, not that they were going anywhere fancy anyways. He combs his hair. Since he wasn't one for normal bedhead there wasn't much combing. Now Shaun, sometimes he wakes up with his hair looking all crazy and it takes him a while to tame it. He laughs at the thought.

He goes to the kitchen quietly after he puts on his shoes and starts making himself coffee. Shaun says he hates the way it tastes and doesn't understand why Neil bothers to drink it almost every morning. Though, Neil always insists he needs it, so Shaun lets him be. (Not without giving him a lecture on how being addicted to coffee is bad for him. The lectures usually end with Neil ignoring him and then surprising him with a kiss while he's talking. Shaun doesn't complain though) He starts to grab the chocolate chips and ingredients for the pancake batter. I mean, if you're trying to give someone the perfect date it must start off with their favourite breakfast. He starts mixing everything together, once its ready he starts to turn on the stove for the pancakes. Behind him he can hear some shuffling. He turns around to find Shaun dressed and sitting at the table. From the looks of it he didn't even bother to brush his hair because most of it was sticking in odd angles. He laughs at him.

"Good morning, Shaun," He starts to pour the batter onto the pan. Shaun nods before yawing out a good morning.

"What are you doing?" Neil turns around around and smiles, "Well, making chocolate chip pancakes of course. I just came up with the original thought to making them."

Shaun raises a questioning eyebrow. Neil goes to ruffle Shaun's hair, with him ducking in the process. He laughed, He knew Shaun wouldn't allow him to touch him sometimes. Even though they have been dating for about 10 months. Which reminds him he needs to plan something for the anniversary. Be gets pulled out of his thoughts when he smells something burning.

"Oh no," Neil quickly grabs the handle to the pan and flips it before the stove burns the pancake completely. He turns back to Shaun who looks like he could care less about anything going on around him. He has his head on the table with his eyes shut.

"I have made some plans for today," Neil states, "So maybe if we get everything done quick, we can head out before noon" Shaun nods, getting up to go brush his hair and get his shoes on. Neil turns back to put the half burnt pancake on a plate and starts pouring a second one on the pan. He walks over to grab a coffee cup and pours himself some. He blows on it before taking a sip. He likes that Shaun hates coffee, it just means way more for him. Shaun comes back with his hair combed and his shoes on, but they weren't tied. Shaun only rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh when he sees Neil drinking coffee.

"I hate the way it smells," He sits at the table again, "It makes me feel weird." Neil only smiles.

"Well, I love the way it smells," He takes a sip before continuing, "And I love the way it tastes."

"I've noticed" Shaun yawns, "But drinking too much is unhealthy" Neil nods.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, you've only told me about 5 million times," He looks at Shaun directly in the eyes for about a second until he looks away. Shaun shakes his head.

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