[Requested] Please be okay.

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     Shaun woke up to his alarm, he quickly shut it off to avoid getting any more noise complaints. He sat up and did his jumping jacks, Took a shower, brushed his teeth, and did his hair. It was his normal routine. Nothing ever changed. He doesn't like changes. He never did. He liked every to be concise, in order and clear. It always got confusing changing things around, that's why he always did his routine. He was just about done when he hears banging at his door. He winces at the noises before slowly heading over to open the door. It's Lea. She barges into his apartment rambling about how they cut off her power. "It's unbelievable! What kind of person just shuts off your power, just like that?" she snags an apple of his table and bites into it. "I'm sorry were you going to eat this?" she asks. "I eat when I'm upset."

     Shaun just shrugs and he gets about his day. Lea leaves and he grabs his bag to head down to the store near his stop. He enters the store calmly and he looks around. The store was clean. It smelled nice. The floors looked shiny and the light reflected off in an even pattern across the room. The room was fairly empty. Only two other people were roaming in the back of the store, looking at the drinks. They seemed to be in their late 20's, he suspected. He walks halfway to the middle and up to the apples. He picks them one by one and individually checks them. He had to make sure they were perfect. He doesn't want any brown spots or anything abnormal on his apple. He was debating on two apples when a guy walks in the store.

     "Put your hands where I can see them!" He is actively hold a gun in the store. Everyone in the store (which was only four people) stops moving and raises their hands. Shaun stays still. It's like he's frozen.

"I said put your hands up!" the man yells. Shaun still is frozen. He hates that no matter what he does he cannot move, "You know what, just... just give me your damn wallet!"

"But, you said to... to put them where you can see them, and if I grab my wallet you cannot see my hand," Shaun is slightly shaking while he holds the green apple. He keeps them firmly placed infront of him, though it is clear as day that he is shaking. He looked like a deer in headlights.

"Are you getting smart with me?" The man asks,

"N- No!" The man walks closer to Shaun to wrestle his bag out of his grip when Shaun starts shoving back. He oushes him off but only for the man to grab his arms. Shaun tries to wriggle out of his grip, pulling his arms and jerking right and left, the- BAM!

Shaun is slides down slowly to the floor, gripping his stomach. Everyone else in the store is in too much shock to do anything. The man looks scared himself, clearing not meaning to actually shoot anybody. He backs up, staggering as he tries to leave the store. The cashier comes from behind and smacks him in the head before the robber falls to the ground, possibly earning him a concussion. The man then runs back around the cash register to pick up the ohone and call and ambulance. Shaun feels dizzy and it feels like things are spinning. He's not sure if this is normal when getting shot; not like he's been shot before. But he wonders if it's normal, to feel this dizzy and to lose this much blood.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," the girl in the back of the store sounds horrified, Shaun thinks. It's... not that bad. He tries to stand but the pain stops him from moving any farther from where he is now, so he just lies there, letting everyone else take control. He hates this, not being in control. It feels to him like things aren't going right, that things are going out of control. Before things go dark, he hear an ambulance in the background. He's feeling grateful that he might survive this minor inconvenience


"Where's Murphy? From what I remember he cannot afford being late again," Melendez was getting impatient from all this waiting. He has a job as a surgeon, not a babysitter. "Let's go do our rounds, we don't have time to wait,"  The rest of the group moves along with Neil before one of the nurses walks up to him.

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