You're Still You

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Inspired by Touch-Tone Telephone by InkyNuggets on AO3

Shaun was laying there in the bed, staring at his.... well, nothing's there now, but if there was, it'd be his leg. Shaun was caught in the earthquake, which resulted in an amputation of his left leg. He wasn't really that upset, now that he thinks about it. earlier he was crying about it. How he would never be a surgeon if he had only one leg. But luckily he had his boyfriends there to help calm him down

Shaun appreciated them, moreso in times where he needed them the most. Neil had told him that it didn't matter what happened, he can still try his very best. Even if he has one leg, he shouldn't let that keep him down. And Jared, well, he told him that even if Shaun was a worm he'd still love him. He'd hold him in his hand and play with him.

They stood in the room with Shaun until they eventually had to leave so they could tend to their jobs, but not before each giving him a kiss goodbye. Jared held his hand for a moment longer before letting go and leaving the room. Neil told him that he would be back soon because he has to stay late with research, and with that, Jared decided to head home if Neil was staying. Usually Jared and Neil switch off with Shaun, both getting individual time with their boyfriend. So, they figured tonight would be Neil's.

First part would have to be the healing. Before Shaun can even get around his ribs would have to heal. Since he got caught under some debris during the earthquake, his ribcage got damaged and broke. Luckily, nothing pierced his lungs. Neil sigh with relief when he heard, he swore that he could barely breathe himself until they got the news. Shaun wasn't that eager to start walking with a prosthetic leg. He was worried it would bother the little amount of leg he has left and the other one too. Right now, Neil was trying to convince him to try it.

"Shaun, I understand that you think you won't like it, but you have to understand, this could help you, you'd have a better chance at being a surgeon still. You'd be able to stand, walk, possibly run with it. You and I both know this," He stares at his partners eyes, only for Shaun to look somewhere else. It didn't bother Neil.

"Yes, I know, I know. I just... I don't think this will help me at it's full potential. It'll bother me. I just can't take other things as well as most people," Shaun looks back at him for reassurance, "I don't think I can do it,"

"No, don't say that Shaun, youre better than most people, I promise you. You can do anything. I've seen you do anything you've tried to accomplish. And guess what? You always win. Why not try this time?"

"I dont know, Neil. This is different. I will have to use it everyday for the rest of my life. I'm not sure it's something I want to go through with," He shrugs

"What if we just try? You dont have to use it. Maybe you can wear it for work and for the rest of the time... crutches? A wheelchair if you'd like, it's all up to to you,"

Shaun looks to him, a little more hopefully, "Wait... Maybe... Yes, this can work, I think? Maybe... I'll have to think about it," he looks happier now. This idea might help him have a happier, fuller life now just living with one leg. You dont have to have all limbs or body parts to be the best you, the fullest one. You're still you, though and through. Shaun rubs his missing leg.

"It might be hard, I think. I'll have to change alot of things in my life, just to fit how I am now... It makes me a little nervous just thinking about it. Maybe overwhelmed. It's just so much I have to do and worry about," He looks a little upset now talking about making some changes.

"That's fine, Shaun," Neil grins at him, "That's what I'm here for. That's what Jared is here for. We're both here to help you and each other. You're not going through this alone. That's not an order, it's just merely a statement," You can hear the smug smile in his words. It just shining in your face like a light, "You don't have to worry so much, just tell us what you want and we'll do our best to accommodate you,"

Shaun is looking down at himself and back at Neil, "I know, thank you. I... I just find it difficult to adjust to such a big change. Im glad I have you, you and Jared both,"

Dr. Glassman knocks on the open door to announce he is there, "Hey," he says softly, "How are you doin' Shaun?"

"I'm fine. We're just talking about what I'm going to continue with when I'm able to start walking around again," Shaun replied.

"Oh? And what's that?" Glassman leans on the doorframe, crossing his arms.

Shaun thinks for a second, "I'm not sure. I think I'll have an idea in the near future, but not right now, I'm still kind of thinking about it,"

Dr. Glassman smiles and nods, "That's good, you should always think through your options before picking blindly. It's best to put them in a list of pros and cons to weigh them out. Though, I doubt you'll make the wrong decision, you're smart," Shaun hums at Glassman's response, "Now, Neil, If you don't mind, I'd like a minute with the boy?"

Neil stands, "Well, of course, though, I'm gonna come right back, just so you know," He walks out the door, waving his lovely goodbye.

"Of course, there's no leaving you," Glassman chuckles at his own remark and sits where Neil was originally sitting, "How are you taking it?" He asks, softer this time.

"I- It's fine. Honest. I was worried about it before, but now I think I feel a lot more better after we talked about it. It was make me anxious and I don't think I would have taken anymore of it. It feels good to have that weight taken off my chest," Shaun sighs

Dr. Glassman smiles, "That's great, Shaun. I'm glad things are turning out good for you. I hope you know that no matter what happens, I'm still proud of you," Shaun nods as an answer, but also as acknowledgement, "Shaun... I want you to know that... you're going to be okay. I know you know this, but I wanted to let you know. As reassurance. We all have your back and I know I will always be supportive of whatt you choose to go with and do. All for the rest of your life. You never cease to be under expectations," Dr. Glassman smiles at him again to let him know it's true


Sorry it's short. I'm not the best but i will add more chapters. Leave comments and I will read them!! :) you can suggest for the next chapter also :)

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