Look Who's Talking.

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Grey's Anatomy x The Good Doctor crossover in which Shaun did take the letter of recommendation and went to another hospital which at the time was Seattle Grace but is Now Grey-Sloan Memorial and is now the Head of Neuro and on the board. He has done so much in the medical world and is practically famous and an idol to all interns/Residents all over. Grey's anatomy isnt mention much i just used it for a second.

P.S. Neil isn't dead.

P.P.S. This will have multiple parts

     Shaun is working his normal routine, you know, doing his rounds, checking his residents, I's and O's. He meets up with his interns in one of his patient's rooms and he asks a resident to give him the works. This particular patient has been on dialysis for months and is now finally getting a working kidney to help replace the old one. Guess years of smoking, drinking, and eating unhealthily didn't turn out so well. Well, maybe that was just Shaun's opinion, which he didn't voice unnecessary ones anymore, but that's beside the point. He did the usual things in his usual day. But what was unusual was the fact he got a call from someone just one state away, now if this was his usual routine in his said usual day, he wouldn't pick up, but this isn't his usual, is it?

     "Hello?" Shaun asks, wary about who was on the other side.

     "Oh! I am so glad you decided to pick up, I was afraid you wouldn't even answer much less look at the number, but I am glad you did," The woman voiced through the phone.

     Shaun froze, not out of fear, but out of shock and surprise. He didn't have to take a guess on who was on the other side of the phone, he knew the voice very well. The voice belonged to none other than Allegra Aoki. She was a well-respected Chairman for the foundation that controls St. Bonaventure, and he knew that, which is why he was so confused as to why she called him.

     "I'm sure you're confused, Ms. Aoki," He said, "But I work for a different hospital now, I have been for a while,"

     "No, I am sure of that. I have called for another reason," She said with the same softness in her voice.

     "...Oh, uhm," Shaun was kind of confused as to why anyone from St. Bonaventure would be calling him. He even got distant with Dr. Glassman after a while, sometimes they text but since they aren't face to face anymore they don't really talk, "What's this about, then?"

     "I'll try and make it quick as to not hold you from your job. You know, Dr. Andrews needs you back just for a little bit. Maybe even a couple of months? They need another neurosurgeon since they are running low and you are their best bet," She explains.

     "You? Are calling for Dr. Andrews? Why can't he call me himself?" Shaun asks

     He hears a sigh come through his phone, "Well... we both know how you guys started on the wrong foot and ended on the wrong foot and he doesn't want to upset you by calling for your help by calling back after all these years," He makes a face, but she doesn't know that, "He really needs your help, Dr. Murphy,"

     He thinks for a minute, "Where would I stay? I live in Washington now and I hope you don't expect me to pay for another temporary place myself," 

     "Don't worry about it, I can figure out something. So, what do you say? We can do this as early as you can let your Chief know what's going on,"

     "Sure, I can do that, Let Dr. Andrews know what the plans are," He tells her

     "Great! We can get you a way to get here as soon as you're ready. See you soon, Shaun,"

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