such a scary thing pt 2

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Mason slowly opens his eyes, groaning, "Ugh... my throat hurts," He reaches up to touch his neck

"Oh, hey. You're up! How are you doing? Everything feels alright?"

"Mmh, Yeah, my throat just itches and burns. Feels like right after throwing up hardcore,"

Claire giggles and walks toward Mason, closer to his bed. She places her hands on the rails, "Yeah, your throat was all
scratched up on the inside. It had caused bleeding, which is why you were coughing blood. But luckily we were able to fix you,"

"Thank you, Dr. Browne," Mason says

"Oh, don't thank just me. It was a group effort," She reminds him, "Dr. Murphy, Dr. Kalu, and Dr. Melendez all helped. To be honest, even I'm glad they were there to help. Having more than one person doing a job does manage time. Sometimes it's okay to let people help you. Remember that good things come when theres help, too,"

"Yes, I know. Can you pass along what I said to them, too? I want to make sure that they know I'm happy," He asks

"Yes, of course, Mason," with that she grabs her clipboard and walks out the room. Thankfully she gets to have her break now because she has been working for what feels like days. Between managing patients and taking care of files, she has been studying. She knows that a good doctor is always refreshed in what they do and that they branch out and not focus on one thing. Though... she has been focusing a little too much towards pediatrics. She's great with kids and even everyone else says it's a good fit. She's just glad she's figured it out by her third year, some residents don't figure it out until their fifth! Can you believe it?

She runs down to the breakroom where Jared and Shaun had been waiting for her. When she walks in it seems that Jared is talking Shauns ear off and Shaun is just pretending to listen. She laughs as this isn't an uncommon scene. It's usually when Jared is going on and on and complaining about something he half read and then came to the group to share what he found.

"You see? And that's my problem with the party! They all just threw them at me!" Jared sighs leaning back in his chair. He stretches his long limbs out and you can hear his bones crack while doing so.

"Hey, Claire," Jared does a half wave and Claire says hello back and hello to Shaun. She sits in an open seat adjacent to Jared but across from Shaun.

"Can you BELIEVE what happened at the party!?" Jared tells her.

"Whatever it was Jared I'm one hundred percent sure you deserved it," she sets out all her papers and organizes them from what needs to be done first and what could be done later. She's a little upset when the first pile is a little larger than the latter's. Meaning she has alot of work to get done soon, which she isn't really a big fan of at the moment. To be honest, she'd rather be talking with her friends.

"I did not deserve to be splashed with water by 10 plus people! The audacity of some people, honestly it's baffling," Jared shares.

"Oooh, that's a big word, Jared, did you pick up a dictionary recently?" Claire teases.

"I did! Thanks for noticing, I knew that was a good idea,"

"Jared, shut up. Also, why was everybody splashing you with water?"

Jared lets out a long, exaggerated sigh, "How many times do I have to say that I'm always TARGETED?"

Shaun turns around from the computer he was using and leans forward, "It was a water balloon fight, Jared,"

"STILL. I felt very attacked, I don't deserve this kind of disrespect at a party, don't they know I'm a world renowned surgeon? Famous? Popular?"

Claire bursts out laughing, "Jared! First of all, no you're not. Second of all, that's supposed to happen at a water balloon fight. It's wet or get wet honestly! If you don't want to get wet don't play!"

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