The doctors assistant

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Ok so for this one shot everything is like Victorian era but with like steam punk technology everywhere and with good healthcare and good working conditions (that shit made me sad to read about) because why tf not

(The image from a wallpaper website so I don't believe there is available credit)


You sprinted through the back ally ways of London as fast as your legs could carry you. Catching every eye as your loud footsteps echoed over the sound of neighbouring bustling streets.


Fuck. You were supposed to be in to work at 7:30 emphasise on supposed to be. It really was not your fault but a pervert had gotten in your way and it just didn't sit right to let him walk away without a limp or two.

Of course actions completely unacceptable for a doctor but for his assistant... things were... lenient. Of course you tried to get a hold of him but no one picked up the phone and you couldn't sit at the booth all day till he picked up.

With all this technology you'd think they'd make phones to fit in your pocket or something. You sighed mentally as you rounded the final short cut, the surgery coming just into view.

Just your luck the curtains were drawn meaning Muichiro had definitely arrived on time, and more annoyingly a head of you.

It's not that he was bad man, god no he really was a gentle soul he was just... scary at times. Especially when his eyes would linger on you as he was lost in thought, or the way he would rather keep deadly silent and continue to work like you weren't in the room when he was mad.

If anything he could work on his social etiquette but he truly was a nice man- "You're late once again miss n/n" fuck.

"I am really sorry Dr. Tokitou first the public transportation was down for maintenance but I had planned in advance and then as I was walking down the street this nasty fellow- ...are you bleeding?" Sure enough as you looked over he was sitting on the examination table attempting stitching a rather nasty gash on his arm.

"Yes but I believe we were discussing the certain lack of punctuality you seem to be infatuated with" he glanced at you from the corner of his eye before turning back to his work.

"W- well there was this fellow and he... look we can discuss this another time-" you walked briskly to his side with furrowed brows "Dr. Tokitou were you stabbed?" You raised a brow and glanced to his eyes "no stabbing would be thrusting the tip into by arm. My dear assailant slashed at me" It was nearly funny the way he felt the need to correct you in such a moment.

"But since you are here miss y/n I'm having a little trouble with this it's a little hard at this angle" you blinked at him few times unsure what exactly you were expected to do. You're job consisted of making appointments, breaking new to family members, helping with check ups and calming children.

"Ah..." was all that left your mouth. "The wound y/n I want you to stitch my wound" had his hands been free of blood and tools you'd be guaranteed he would've slapped his forehead with enough force to let the noise ring out through the absurdly quiet room.

"R- right!" You looked down to his hands and noticed they really were trembling as he handed over the tools "remember y/n just like I taught you when we first met" His tone had some what mellowed as he dropped the sarcasm, it was... pleasant.

"We both know my memory isn't exactly pristine" you mumbled at you moved the tissue around a little. "Well that's alright if need be I'll re do later but you're doing quite fine" his gaze finally left your hands as he rested his head back and let out a shaky sigh.

"Doctor is you don't mind me asking... how did this happen?" You decided against glancing up at him as you so often did in these situations. "Long story short I nearly got mugged" he flicked his wrist in indication to drop the subject.

"And you miss you never did answer why you were late" fairly certain of his habits his brow most likely quirked up even as his gaze glazed the ceiling.

"Well it's like I said there was this rather nasty fellow... I believe you know him rather orangey like head of hair just would not leave me alone no matter what... so I... dealt with it..." you mumbled leaning down slightly to finish the finale suture "ah Zenitsu yes I am aware of the little perverts existence I'll have a word with him about his behaviour towards you"

Cleaning up the best you could in silence you let out your own sigh as you walked to the adjacent cabinet unlocking it and searching for some painkillers and antibiotics "I've noted the prescriptions on the bottles please don't let it skip your mind" He took a moment to observe the solemn look on your face as you counted out the necessary amounts.

"I'll put them by your coat" You mumbled under you breath. "y/n?" He used his index finger to gesture you to his side.

"D- did I do a bad job? Are you in excessive pain?" He chuckled lightly at the way you perked up with worry when he beckoned you to him. "Nothing of the such y/n" he gently grabbed your hand and pulled you to lay on his chest letting another chuckle fall from his lips at your squeak.

"W- wait I might hurt your stitches!" You tried to move but his good arm held you firm in place "I appreciate the concern darling but I'll be quite fine" moving his arm to the conveniently placed side table he settled a little more into the seat.

"You know y/n you don't have to call me Dr when it's just the two of us" He whispered gently into your ear as you began to feel drowsy at the sound of his strangely calming heartbeats "there's a lot I'd like to call you when no one is around" You joked just as your eye lids grew heavy.

"Always one for jokes aren't you" He kissed the top of your head gently as he felt your breathing even out, "thank you y/n... for everything today"


"Tokitou I know the sign says closed but this one crazy gir-" Zenitsu froze at the sight of Muichiro holding you close to his chest "...fuck this shit I'm out"

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