Good night, my angel.

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"It seems powers out in the whole neighbourhood" Muichiro turns around after closing the blinds once more, the wind is howling hard tonight and the rain is coming down like stones. You curl into the blanket your boyfriend handed over to you earlier, what a cold December night it is...

"I don't think the storm will let up soon either, it seems the rains have come a little late this year." Muichiro moves to sit next to you, bringing a hand over you shoulder to pull you closer. You relax a little in his hold. "Are you cold" He leans down to your ear, frowning empathetically when you nod.

He slowly pats his lap watching you expectantly, "if you're cold, well then we'll just have to warm each other up, right?" Right... slowly you shift up into his lap allowing him to momentarily strip you of the blanket so he can readjust it. "There, isn't that much better." Muichiro gently pushes your head to his chest, arms snaking around your body. The rain doesn't seem to have calmed down, not even an inch since you last payed attention to it. You frown, you and Muichiro were supposed to go out on a date today, fat chance of it happening now though.

As the minutes tick by yawns begin to build in the back of your throat. Maybe it was the sounds of the rain, or perhaps Muichiro's warm body pressed against you, but sleep was beginning to creep up on your bones. Heavy and thick it clings to you, your boyfriends soft scratching of the scalp and gentle humming do absolutely nothing to aid you in staying conscious but who could complain when he was being so soft and gentle.

Your brain begins to focus on the sound of Muichiro's heart. He's always so calm, that even rhythm seems to never spike. Your eyelids grow heavy as a hand comes down to stroke your back, gently dipping under your shirt to reach the skin. If you had the brain power left, you'd probably accuse him of doing this on purpose.

"Are you tired, love?" He tilts his head to observe you. You nod aimless against him, mind too far gone into the depths of sleep to confirm any other way. Muichiro begins to shift around as your eyes droop shut. A small chuckle leaves his mouth as he stands to carry you to bed.

No we are not discussing the sheer amount of sleep fics I do -author

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