Stormy night, the confusion you bring.

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Shout out to my short readers I've felt your pain 😔💔

It was an average night at Muichiro's estate, well if you looked over the torrential rainstorm bending the trees over backwards. "Y/n it's just a storm" Muichiro's voice is as blank as ever as he wraps his arms tentatively around your shaking form. It's easy for him to say, he's the oh so strong and brave mist pillar, of course he wasn't afraid of the booming thunder.

Another crash comes down this time louder and stronger, shaking the ground beneath you. You jump further into his embrace causing him to stiffen for a moment, "Y/n..." there's a hint of warning on his tongue, is it because he's annoyed? The panic of the storm and the fear of letting him down merge into one giant weight in your stomach, pushing hot burning tears into your eyes. "M' sorry ... Pathetic, m' pathetic" Muichiro isn't able to catch what exactly you're saying through sobs but he understands the gist. Pulling your closer his hand sets to rub against you're lower back.

"You're not pathetic, I didn't mean it like that... hey, look at me for a moment." You're hesitant to raise your head from his chest, scared to loss that safe, secure, grounding sensation. Scared to see disappointed and anger on his face. His hand comes up and gently pulls your head back to look at him, there's no sign of annoyance, no pull of his lips, no lowered brows or anything else... it's just... pain? Before you can begin to truly process that expression his mouth opens again "I hate seeing you like this, if I could chase the storm away I'd do it in a heartbeat for you" his hand returns back to rubbing those soothing circles once more.

"My darling-" your stomach does a flip at the pet name, where had that come from? That was something only couples did. "-whatever it is that's troubling you, it won't touch you when you're with me, I can promise you that" mind still snagged at the term of endearment used so freely moments ago you barely catch on when he tilts your head back, soft lips brushing yours. It's accompanied by a heat you're unfamiliar with, it's fleeting and barely enough. "Whatever it is-" he indulges you in another soft press "-whoever it may be-" this time he goes for the tip of your noses making your face scrunch ever so slightly in surprise, it makes him grin just a bit "-I can ensure you I will take care of it, take care of you." He finally kisses like you need it, soft and slow but so sweet and loving.

"Tokito sama-" you want to ask what this all means but he interrupts you "not tonight, for tonight and as long as you need it, it's Muichiro." Yet again before you can truly process his actions he has you stunned once more, pulling the two of you off the ground with that infinite abundance of strength he takes strides into his bedroom carrying you delicately on his hip, "tonight, you may stay with me." He lays you down and pulls the peeled back blankets over you, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before he leaves to go change his clothes.

You feel a light gust on your back as he moves to lay beside you, pulling you back into his warm embrace he sighs "I could get used to this" he mumbles, you find yourself silently agreeing by squeezing the hand that's flush against your belly, you realise now you haven't paid any mind to the thunder since Muichiro's proclamations. Cheeks burning with a feverish heat at the confusion now ebbing away at you, you start open your mouth to ask a question but he beats you to it as always "not now, in the morning when you're rested we can talk about what this means."

You nod gently and roll around his loose grip, head snuggled to his bare chest your eyelids begin to grow heavy when a hand begins to trail those circles one more for tonight, "goodnight Muichiro" you mumble and in your final moments of consciousness you nearly swear he shifts around to kiss you once more on the nose.


Dinner is served you simps 🙄

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