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A couple days have passed and nothing new has happened. You tried you hardest to figure out more about the Kira Case, and you honestly couldn't figure out a lot, it was harder than you expected.

You were walking home from another day of school, like you do everyday. It sucks how your daily life was the same no matter how hard you tried to make it more interesting. Who knows, when you go to university maybe things will change, in a good way, hopefully. You planned on becoming a detective so you wanted to major in criminology and psychology. It's been taking up a lot of your time, so you hope it's worth it.

You walked through your door expecting your mom to scold you for your tardiness, but instead, she was just sitting on the couch with a distressed look on her face.

"Hey, mom," You said with a concerned look, "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, I just got some terrible news is all."

"Do you mind telling me?"


She had a sorrowful look on her face as she looked shaken up.

"You remember my friend Naomi Misora, Right?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

You started getting a little nervous at the look of grief on you mothers face, you were hoping that what you were thinking happened to Naomi, didn't happen.

"Well, her fiancé died not too long ago, s-so it caused her to commit suicide."

You froze as your eyes widened. You only saw her a couple days ago, was it possible you could've prevented her from—? You didn't see it clearly but when seemed to be walking away from Light, she had an almost emotionless, miserable look on her face.

Wait— this doesn't make sense. What were Light and Naomi even talking about anyway? I would assume it's negative because of the look on Naomi's face when she was walking away, but Light seemed perfectly fine, maybe even a little too fine.

Is Light involved with her death?

"Sorry, mom, I think I need a moment."

"Oh, don't worry, I understand. It's a lot to take in."

You walked up the stairs with a frown formed on your face. You knew you were getting close to figuring out something but you don't think it's a good thing.

You felt that there was more behind this than just a mere suicide.

How did Naomi's fiancé die in the first place?

You walked to your desk and sat down. You turned on your computer and went to your browser. You searched Raye Penber.


Heart attack? Is it Kira?

No. It has to be Kira, who else could it be? But Kira only kills criminals, so why would he kill an FBI agent? Maybe Raye was trying to catch him? Or he was close in finding Kira's identity?

That just made things 10x more confusing. If Raye was murdered by Kira, then it's likely Naomi would want to catch Kira rather than commit suicide.

What if Kira can kill in different ways than a heart attack? And he killed Naomi because she was close in finding him. It was just a theory, but it did feel like the only possibility.

Then a sudden realization hit you and it all fit together like puzzle pieces.

Light Yagami was the last one I saw with Naomi and while she had a miserable look on her face he looked almost prideful. You felt someone watching you and Light when you were walking home. That must've been Raye. He killed Naomi and Raye. It's the only possibility.

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