Chapter 17 - Epilogue One

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- Chapter 17 - Epilogue One -
Warnings: Death, blood, abuse, guns, knives
Third Person POV

Snyder pulls out a gun, and aims it at Oscar, who freezes, as George pulls out a knife, grabs Race, and holds the knife to Race's throat, with Race's back against him.

Race also freezes, as he and Oscar share another look.

Race sends Oscar a look that says, 'Please don't do anything. I can't live without you.'

Oscar sends him a look, responding, 'It's all gonna be okay. I love you.'

Race tries to tell him to stop, silently, but Oscar just looks away from him.

Race struggles against his father's grip, but his father just holds the knife closer to his throat. "Move again, and you and your boyfriend are both dead."

That got Race to stop moving, as he just watched in silence, helpless.

"Make your choice now" Snyder states. Most of the Newsies were staring at his, wide-eyed.

Most of the Newsies looked between Race and Oscar, not knowing what to do.

Some glared daggers into Snyder, Weasel, and George's souls.

You know that saying, 'if looks could kill, (blank person) would be six feet under'?

Yeah, take that and multiply it by over two hundred Newsies.

Oscar and Morris share a look.

Morris was silently pleading with Oscar to stay safe, but he knew Oscar had a plan that could either kill both him and Race, or save both of them.

"Please don't kill yourself, Osc" Morris whispers, closing his eyes as he silently prayed.

"I love you so much, Mo. Thank you for everything. You were the best brother I could've ever asked for." Oscar whispers, tears stinging his eyes. He turns to Jack, Spot, Albert, and a few others. "Guys-"

"Oscar, you can't do this" Jack states. Oscar shakes his head.

"You can't risk this" Spot adds. Oscar smiles softly at them.

"Thank you for everything, Jack, Albert, other Manhattan Newsies who I have learned many things about over the years. You seem like amazing brothers." Oscar turns to Spot, who was about to cry. "Thank you Spot, for taking care of us, and for letting me meet your 'brothers' who were amazing as well. Take care of my brother."

Oscar turns back to Snyder, Weasel, and George, as others try to tell him that there are other ways and that he doesn't have to do this.

He just blocked them out of his mind.

He makes eye contact with Race again, who was throwing him a look as to say, 'don't you dare risk yourself for me. I love you too much for this'.

Oscar just shook his head, turning back to Snyder.

Oscar put his hands over his head, causing Weasel to smirk. "Don't hurt my family and I'll come with you willingly."

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