Catherine Is Speaking Anne Language, Everyone Hide

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Red is online

Red: I can't believe I missed Parrmour's wedding

Green is online

Green: I can't believe they got married before I did

Gold is online

Gold: Fr

Green: Wtf did I just see you text

Gold: Fr????

Red: My eyes

Red: They're burning

Gold: Shut tf up

Green: Pls

Green: Spare us O'Great Catalina

Gold: Wtf is happening right now

Silver is online

Silver: Can you not right now?

Silver: I'm trying to do stuff with my wife

Green: Do Stuff = Have sex

Silver: Duh

Gold: S n a p

Silver: No

Silver: Stop

Silver: The pain

Gold: Why is everyone responding like this

Blue and Pink are online

Pink: Shut up

Blue: Jane get off the damn phone

Silver: You're????On????The????Phone????

Green: So many question marks

Gold: She's feeling aggressive

Silver: I will literally drive over there and kill you

Gold: I got the power of chaotic defensive Anne on my side



Blue: Jane get off the phone

Silver: Why aren't you just talking to me

Blue: Bc you're ignoring me

Silver: Oh

Silver and Blue are offline

Pink: Am I dying

Red: You're heart feels like it's broken on the floor

Red: And you want to cry

Pink: Yes

Green: Is your soul dead

Pink: Yes

Gold: Same tho


Gold: I don't understand

Gold: Why aren't you happy I'm speaking in your language

Red: Bc one of you has to be sane, and if you fall to chaos we're all literally going to die

Green: You keep me in line

Green: You're my anchor

Green: Without you

Green: I would either crash into a house, or float away

Gold: That was both disturbing and really sweet

Gold: I pick sweet

Gold is offline

Green: Where did she gsjkfhs

Green: Nvm, she's in here

Green: And defo just tackled me in a hug

Green: Imma cuddle now

Green is offline

Pink: Welp

Red: Why am I always the one left out

Pink: It's easy to exclude you

Pink is offline

Red: eXcUsE mE

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