Shippers (Part 2)

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[Araleyn Shippers Group Chat]

Red is online


Pink: What

Silver: I finally got her to sleep

Silver: And you just

Silver: Undid all of my hard work

Pink: We know

Blue: How

Red: Anne

Pink: Anne

Blue: Should've guessed

Blue: I mean we did it in her room

Pink: Didn't want to know that


Red: Chill

Red: She just likes to mess with you

Red: Anyways

Red: Info

Pink: Spill

Red: So apparently Anne has stolen all of Aragon's tanktops

Red: Which is impressive

Red: And she has like

Red: Half of her wardrobe

Red: And isn't going to give it back

Red: Now she's giving Aragon some of her clothes 

Red: So it's fair

Red: And they're just like curled up on the bed together

Red: Anne is literally trying to attach herself to Aragon

Red: And Aragon is all for it

Pink: Where are you

Red: Aragon's

Pink: I have to see this

Pink: For blackmail reasons

Silver: What

Pink: Nothing

Blue: I would also like to know

Blue: For blackmail reasons

Red: We're all being blackmailed by Anne aren't we

Pink: Yep

Blue: Yep

Silver: What is blackmail

Pink: It's nothing mum

Silver: I will seriously riot

Silver: Do you know how much I do

Blue: You wouldn't

Pink: Are we witnessing a Parrmour fight

Red: I think we are

Blue: What is Parrmour

Silver: Ship name

Pink: Alarming you knew that and Cathy didn't

Blue: What

Silver: It's a mix of both of our last names

Red: Oh my god I just saw it

Six Group ChatTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon