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Green is online

Green: Fml

Pink and Silver are online

Pink: Why

Green: I might be pregnant

Blue is online

Blue: Here we go again


Silver: Cathy

Blue: Yes

Silver: When are you gonna propose

Green: How is that a speaking of which

Silver: lEt Me FiNiSh

Green: Do my eyes deceive me

Pink: No they do not

Blue: Guys

Silver: And when are you going to get me pregnant

Pink: #janewantsababy

Silver: Thems the facts

Green: You can take mine

Blue: I thought you wanted one????

Green: We did it to prove them wrong

Green: But now they might be right

Green: I might be pregnant

Green: And idk how to feel

Silver: Happy

Silver: I'm just jealous

Pink: This chat sometimes

Pink: There are no words to describe

Pink: The perfect chaos that ensues in this chat

Red is online

Green: Ay

Red: Then don't

Red: And ay

Pink: Stop

Red: No

Green: M i s t a k e

Pink: Anna

Pink: S t o p

Red: Why am I afraid

Red: Someone tell me

Blue: Bc that young sparkly pink queen knows things

Blue: And is very scary

Green: Some might say scarier

Green: Than them

Red: Who is them

Silver: I'm assuming that's me and Catherine

Silver: Speaking of which

Silver: Where tf is Catherine

Green: That

Green: Is an amazing question

Green: Where is my wife

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