Anna Just Wants To Know What's Going On

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Pink is online

Pink: Hey

Pink: Did you hear about the alligator in Alabama?

Green and Red are online

Green: YES

Green: That was hilarious

Red: The lady is freaking out

Pink: It's an alligator

Pink: Of course she's freaking out

Gold, Silver, and Blue are online

Gold: What are we talking about

Green: Alligators

Gold: The Alabama one

Green: Yes

Gold: That was hilarious

Blue: Literally what is happening

Silver: There was this alligator

Silver: In Alabama

Gold: That swam through this woman's flooded yard

Green: And she was freaking out

Pink: Yeah

Red: The video's better

Gold: You'd understand why this is so funny

Green: If you watched the video

Blue: Okay that was planned

Red: It had to be

Silver: There's no way they would know when to stop and start the sentence if it wasn't

Pink: It better have been planned

Green: Why

Pink: Because then me and Anna need to work on our couple skills

Blue: Jane can't finish my sentences

Green: That's because Jane isn't my Catalina

Silver: That's true

Silver: I'm Cathy's Jane

Pink: The upside of Parrmour - Jane get's Cathy to sleep and not cuss as much

Pink: The downside - Jane get's snippy and sarcastic now

Pink: Thanks Cathy

Blue: You're welcome

Pink: .

Blue: I see it now

Red: Yeah

Silver: Speaking of me not being Catherine

Silver: Where is she

Green: She threw her phone at the wall when you used sarcasm

Green: I think she broke her phone

Red: Lol

Green: She's going to read from my phone

Green: And I'll text for her

Silver: K

Green: Did she just use an abbreviation - Lina

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