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Red is online

Red: Heeeeeyyyyyyy

Pink and Blue are online

Pink: It's literally 2 AM

Pink: Go to sleep

Blue: No

Blue: You can be my insomnia buddy

Pink: I thought insomnia was 

Pink: "Your thing"

Blue: Jane told me I can't claim a disease

Pink: Is it a disease?

Blue: I think so

Red: Heeeeeyyyyyyy

Pink: Wtf

Pink: Why are you texting the same thing

Blue: Hey I just went to her room

Blue: She's not there

Pink: You don't think

Pink: You don't think she's drunk again do you

Blue: Let's hope not

Silver is online

Blue: Shit on a stick

Pink: Who created that phrase

Blue: Terrible people

Blue: That's who

Silver: Go

Silver: To

Silver: Sleep

Blue: Anna's drunk

Pink: HEY

Blue: What

Blue: Better her than me

Pink: Drunk?

Pink: Yeah

Blue: I meant in trouble

Pink: Fuck you

Blue: No thanks I'm taken

Pink: She doesn't need to be afraid of two friends

Pink: Also really?

Pink: Have you been spending time with Anne

Blue: No

Silver: Liar

Blue: Duuuuuddddeeeee

Blue: You're supposed to be on my side

Red: Wtia

Red: Aiwt

Red: Wait

Red: Why r u petntding 2 b erethe

Red: U r w/ me

Silver: She's what

Blue: Come on

Pink: I know this isn't what I should be focusing on

Pink: But props to typing correctly while drunk Cathy

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